Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pytest: How to test a function with input call?

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I have a console program written in Python. It asks the user questions using the command:

some_input = input('Answer the question:', ...) 

How would I test a function containing a call to input using pytest? I wouldn't want to force a tester to input text many many times only to finish one test run.

4 Answers

Answers 1

You should probably mock the built-in input function, you can use the teardown functionality provided by pytest to revert back to the original input function after each test.

import module  # The module which contains the call to input  class TestClass:      def test_function_1(self):         # Override the Python built-in input method          module.input = lambda: 'some_input'         # Call the function you would like to test (which uses input)         output = module.function()           assert output == 'expected_output'      def test_function_2(self):         module.input = lambda: 'some_other_input'         output = module.function()           assert output == 'another_expected_output'              def teardown_method(self, method):         # This method is being called after each test case, and it will revert input back to original function         module.input = input   

A more elegant solution would be to use the mock module together with a with statement. This way you don't need to use teardown and the patched method will only live within the with scope.

import mock import module  def test_function():     with mock.patch.object(__builtin__, 'input', lambda: 'some_input'):         assert module.function() == 'expected_output' 

Answers 2

As The Compiler suggested, pytest has a new monkeypatch fixture for this. A monkeypatch object can alter an attribute in a class or a value in a dictionary, and then restore its original value at the end of the test.

In this case, the built-in input function is a value of python's __builtins__ dictionary, so we can alter it like so:

def test_something_that_involves_user_input(monkeypatch):      # monkeypatch the "input" function, so that it returns "Mark".  This simulates the user entering "Mark" in the terminal:     monkeypatch.setitem(__builtins__, 'input', lambda: "Mark")      # go about using input() like you normally would:     i = input("What is your name?")     assert i == "Mark" 

Answers 3

You can do it with mock.patch as follows.

First, in your code, create a dummy function for the calls to input:

def __get_input(text):     return input(text) 

In your test functions:

import my_module from mock import patch  @patch('my_module.__get_input', return_value='y')) def test_what_happens_when_answering_yes(self, mock):     """     Test what happens when user input is 'y'     """     # whatever your test function does 

For example if you've a loop checking that the only valid answers are ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N'] you can test that nothing happens when entering a different value instead.

In this case we assume a SystemExit is raised when answering 'N':

@patch('my_module.__get_input') def test_invalid_answer_remains_in_loop(self, mock):     """     Test nothing's broken when answer is not ['Y', 'y', 'N', 'n']     """     with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):         mock.side_effect = ['k', 'l', 'yeah', 'N']         # call to our function asking for input 

Answers 4

You can replace sys.stdin with some custom Text IO, like input from a file or an in-memory StringIO buffer:

import sys  class Test:     def test_function(self):         sys.stdin = open("preprogrammed_inputs.txt")         module.call_function()      def setup_method(self):         self.orig_stdin = sys.stdin      def teardown_method(self):         sys.stdin = self.orig_stdin 

this is more robust than only patching input(), as that won't be sufficient if the module uses any other methods of consuming text from stdin.

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