Sunday, May 14, 2017

React Native border radius makes outline

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I would like to make the circle view by using react-native.

Here what I did:

circle: {     position: 'absolute',     borderWidth: 10,     borderColor: '#fff',     top: 20,     left: 30,     width: 150,     height: 150,     borderRadius: 150 / 2,     backgroundColor: '#ED1D27',   } 

And view

<View style={}></View> 

The result is:

enter image description here

There is and outline rounded the circle.

I don't want that outline. I checked by remove the border radius and it has no outline like below:

enter image description here

I have no idea for this issue, please help me...

2 Answers

Answers 1

So I am not entirely sure why it gives that very small red border with your current rule. It could be an actual bug. Regardless if I understand correctly, you want a circle without that small red border. You can achieve that by removing your border property:

position: 'absolute', top: 20, left: 30, width: 150, height: 150, borderRadius: 150 / 2, backgroundColor: '#ED1D27', 

Resulting in:

enter image description here

If you do want a border, a potential workaround could be:

inner: {   position: 'relative',   width: 150,   height: 150,   borderRadius: 150 / 2,   backgroundColor: '#ED1D27', }, outter:{   position: 'absolute',   paddingTop:10,   paddingLeft:10,   top: 20,   left: 30,   width: 170,   height: 170,   borderRadius: 160 / 2,   backgroundColor: '#000', }, 

With a view heirarchy like:

  <View style={styles.container}>     <View style={styles.outter}>       <View style={styles.inner}></View>     </View>   </View> 

Resulting in:

enter image description here

Answers 2

RE-EDIT: Turns out that this border-radius issue is not isolated to working with react alone, but a general css known issue, that has been raised [and marked as fixed] numerous times. I found this link, that cites they found a solution, but also states the cause. The link in question's problem cites it initially as being related to box-shadow but from a quick google search there seems to many issues with border-radius.

Given cause:

It turns out that if your border radius is larger than the height of the element (taking in to account padding, font-size, and so forth) this visual error will occur.

A fiddle is given in the github link (with html2canvas)

Earlier proposed solution answer 1- link to expo

Edited earlier proposed solution answer 2 - expo link

Current/ best solution (of mine) IMHO link

I think this is the best solution. I noted that if the border color was left out in the circedge css but left in only the circle css, the border 'outline' effect is greatly reduced. I also replaced borderRadius with borderTopLeftRadius etc after reading the known issues on

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { Constants } from 'expo';  export default class App extends Component {   render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <View style={styles.square} />         <View style={styles.circedge}/>         <View style={}>          </View>       </View>     );   } }  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 2,     alignItems: 'center',     justifyContent: 'center',     paddingTop: Constants.statusBarHeight,     backgroundColor: '#fff',   },   square: {     position: 'absolute',     top: 30,     left: 30,     width: 200,     height: 100,     backgroundColor: 'red'   },   circle: {     position: 'absolute',     borderColor: '#fff',     top: 60,     left: 60,     width: 150,     height: 150,     borderTopLeftRadius:150/2,     borderTopRightRadius:150/2,     borderBottomLeftRadius:150/2,     borderBottomRightRadius:150/2,     backgroundColor: '#ED1D27',   },   circedge:{      position: 'absolute',      paddingTop:10,      paddingLeft:10,      top: 50,      left: 50,      width: 170,      height: 170,      borderTopLeftRadius:170/2,      borderTopRightRadius:170/2,      borderBottomLeftRadius:170/2,     borderBottomRightRadius:170/2,      backgroundColor: '#fff',   } }); 
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