Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Using the Rails gem 'Mailboxer' and the sender_id is always zero

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Just integrated Mailboxer and I'm running into one problem. When I send a new message the sender_id in the mailboxer_notifications table is always zero instead of the id of the sender.

I'm using the friendly_id gem for usernames and I think this is where the problem is but I cant find out how to fix it (if it even is the problem).


<% provide(:title, "New Message") %>  <%= form_tag user_messages_path, method: :post do %>    <div class="form-group">     <%= label_tag 'message[subject]', 'Subject' %>     <%= text_field_tag 'message[subject]', nil, class: 'form-control', required: true %>   </div>    <div class="form-group">     <%= label_tag 'message[body]', 'Message' %>     <%= text_area_tag 'message[body]', nil, cols: 3, class: 'form-control', required: true %>   </div>   <div class="form-group">   <%= label_tag 'recipients', 'Choose recipients' %>   <%= select_tag 'recipients', recipients_options(@chosen_recipient), multiple: true, class: 'form-control chosen-it' %> </div>    <%= submit_tag 'Send', class: 'btn btn-primary' %> <% end %> 


class MessagesController < ApplicationController   before_action :authenticate_user    def new     @user = current_user     @chosen_recipient = User.find_by(id: params[:to].to_i) if params[:to]   end    def create     @user = current_user     recipients = User.where(id: params['recipients'])     conversation = current_user.send_message(recipients, params[:message][:body], params[:message][:subject]).conversation     flash[:success] = "Message has been sent!"     redirect_to user_conversation_path(@user, conversation)   end    private    def authenticate_user     unless ((current_user.id = params[:user_id]) unless current_user.nil?)       flash[:error] = 'Looks like your not supposed to be there'       redirect_to login_path     end   end end 


resources :users do   resources :conversations, only: [:index, :show, :destroy] do     member do       post :reply       post :restore       delete :empty_trash       post :mark_as_read     end   end   resources :messages, only: [:new, :create] end 

I mostly followed this tutorial when integrating the gem. I have no idea why it isn't saving the user id properly when they send a new message.

update The reason I suspect friendly_id is causing it so save the sender_id as 0 is because when I don't use friendly id in the url e.g. users/1/messages/new it works fine but users/example-user/messages/new it doesn't save the user id when creating a new message

1 Answers

Answers 1

I am not quite sure if I follow your authenticate_user implementation:

def authenticate_user   unless ((current_user.id = params[:user_id]) unless current_user.nil?)     flash[:error] = 'Looks like your not supposed to be there'     redirect_to login_path   end end 

You may want to simplify it.

If you are trying to compare current_user.id to params[:user_id], you need to use current_user.id == params[:user_id], not current_user.id = params[:user_id]. Its ==, not =.

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