Wednesday, May 31, 2017

XCode: Embed Framework in React Native Module without modifying application project

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I am developing a React Native Module that includes our Framework 'AntaviSense'. I am able to include the framework in the main project and by "embed framework" in the Project Settings, everything works fine.

React Native Module

Adding to main project works

My question though is: can I avoid changing the main project, and just include it into the React Native Module project (which is a subproject)? I tried various directories in "React-Module/Build Phases/Copy Files" without luck. This would make the inclusion into other projects much easier.

1 Answers

Answers 1

node-xcode could be an option, it enables you to parse an modify XCode projects, I am not a React developer but you could create a node-script which modifies the project and adds the framework when you add the module (in cordova this would be a hook, maybe there is something similar in React).

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