Thursday, July 7, 2016

Use an image instead of a Bootstrap's glyphicon

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I would like to use a custom image in an input-group instead of a Bootstrap glyphicon without padding bottom (my image touch the bottom of the button), as you can see on this picture:enter image description here

Actually, I use Bootstrap's glyphicon glyphicon-search:

<div class="input-group">       <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Rechercher un produit, une référence ..."/>       <span class="input-group-addon">         <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>         <span class="hidden-xs text-upper-style">           Rechercher</span>       </span> </div> 

enter image description here

My issue is that I fail to replace glyphicon by my picture in my search bar.

I've tried to create CSS to mimic those of Bootstrap, but it always render bad:


.glyphi {     position: relative;     top: 1px;     display: inline-block;     font-style: normal;     font-weight: normal;     line-height: 1;     float: left;     display: block; } {     background: url(../img/header/search.png);     background-size: cover;  } .glyphi.normal {      width: 28px; //But Bootstrap glyphicon is 16x16...     height: 16px; } 


<span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span> 

Note that my image is not square (60x37 px).

Here is the picture that should replace the glyphicon:

enter image description here

What is the best Bootstrap way to do that? Here is a Bootply of my code.

Thanks! :)

8 Answers

Answers 1

You can use simple img inside .input-group-addon instead of span.glyphicon and with some negative margins you can get the result you want.


<div class="input-group">    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Rechercher un produit, une référence ...">          <span class="input-group-addon">        <img src="">        <span class="hidden-xs text-upper-style">Rechercher</span>    </span>       </div> 

and CSS

.rechercheProduit .input-group-addon img{   height: 24px;   margin-right: -16px;   margin-bottom: -6px;   vertical-align:text-bottom; /* align the text */ } 

updated Bootply

Answers 2

You should have a look on how the glyphicon span works: If you inspect it, you will see that the interesting part in this span is actually its pseudo-element, the :before that calls a font of icons as a content.

Screenshot of the Glyphicon span behaviour in the DOM

A few solutions are actually possible to resolve your problem.


  1. One of the solution would be to override that pseudo element by redeclaring its content:

    .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {   /* Declaring the parent as relative so the .glyphicon-search child span       as a position absolute to its parent..       That probably doesn't make any sense. */   position: relative; } .rechercheProduit .glyphicon-search {   /* 'absolute' in the .input-group-addon context */   position: absolute;    top: auto;   bottom: 0;   left: 5px;   height: 80%;   width: auto;    overflow: hidden; }   .rechercheProduit .glyphicon-search:before {     content: '';     display: block;     width: 50px; /* Generic width */     height: 100%;     background: url('') no-repeat;     background-size: auto 100%;   } .rechercheProduit .text-upper-style {   /* relative to its context. Especially here to deal with the display order. */   position: relative;   margin-left: 20px; }  

    Demo 1

Custom span

  1. Another solution, which would probably be better, would be to actually create your own span with your own pseudo-element (CSS is similar to the last example, renaming the .glyphicon-search part obviously):

    <span class="input-group-addon">   <span class="search-icon"></span>   <span class="hidden-xs text-upper-style">   Rechercher</span> </span> 

    Demo 2


  1. Even if I personally prefer having the icon as a background image here (have a look on this question and its answers), declaring the icon as an image is another solution that works.

    c.f. the answer of tmg about that.

About the rest

To go beyond with your code, you should think about the fact that you are working in a form with an input[type="text"] as main input.

You’ll have to submit this form and unless you deal with a click event on this main span to submit your form, you’ll have to declare your rechercher span as an input as well (type=“submit”).

That would be semantically more correct and easier for you to deal with this button action in the future.

My final proposition would then be: (also considering the "custom" span icon solution)

<div class="input-group">   <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Rechercher un produit, une référence ...">   <label class="input-group-addon">     <span class="search-icon"></span>     <input type="submit" value="Rechercher" class="hidden-xs text-upper-style" />   </label> </div> 


.text-upper-style {   background: none;   text-transform: uppercase;   border: 0;   outline: 0; } .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {   border: 0; } 

Demo 3

About the responsive, just declare a min-width on your label:

.rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {   min-width: 40px;   overflow: hidden; } 

Hope this makes sense. I'm open to any kind of suggestion, edit, etc...

Bon chance!

Answers 3

Here is the css that will replace the search icon

.glyphi {  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 / contain;  display: inline-block;  font-style: normal;  font-weight: 400;  height: 16px;  line-height: 1;  position: relative;  top: 1px;  width: 60px;  } 

You also need to resize the search icon because the parent element has padding.

Answers 4

It's as easy as replace span glyphicon tag for your custom image tag forcing correct height and deleting top and bottom padding from text 'rechercher'.

So, add this to your html:

  <span class="input-group-addon">     <img height="25" src="" alt="custom-magnifier">     <span class="hidden-xs text-upper-style">       Rechercher</span>   </span> 

So, add this to your css:

.rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {   padding: 0 12px; } .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {   vertical-align: bottom; } 

Here you have an example:

Answers 5

This is my attemp, i hope this one can help you. i use absolute. Just try to view in full page, i working the responsive design.

* {      border-radius: 0 !important;  }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {    border: 0px;    color: #ffffff;    background: #004392;    cursor: pointer;  }  .rechercheProduit:hover {    color: #fbba00;  }  .rechercheProduit .form-control,  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {    border: solid 2px #004392;  }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {    -moz-border-radius: 0;    -webkit-border-w: 0;    border-radius: 0;    color: #ffffff;    background: #004392;    cursor: pointer;  }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon:hover {    color: #fbba00;  }    .text-upper-style {    text-transform: uppercase;    padding-left: 20px;  }  .glyphicon-search:before {      background: url( center;      background-size: contain;      background-repeat: no-repeat;      height: 25px;      width: 42px;      content: '';      z-index: 99;      position: absolute;      top: -15px;      left: -8px;  }  .glyphicon-search:before{    content: '' !important;  }  @media screen and (max-width: 767px){    .cus-icon{      padding: 0 10px;    }      }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>  <div class="col-xs-8 col-md-6">    <form class="form-horizontal rechercheProduit">      <div class="input-group">        <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Rechercher un produit, une référence ...">        <span class="input-group-addon">          <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-search cus-icon"></span>          <span class="hidden-xs text-upper-style">            Rechercher</span>        </span>      </div>    </form>  </div>

Answers 6

One way would be to use a background-image on the input-group-addon + some padding-left and remove the glyphicon entirely:

* {    border-radius: 0 !important;  }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {    border: 0px;    color: #ffffff;    background: #004392;    cursor: pointer;  }  .rechercheProduit:hover {    color: #fbba00;  }  .rechercheProduit .form-control,  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {    border: solid 2px #004392;  }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon {    -moz-border-radius: 0;    -webkit-border-w: 0;    border-radius: 0;    color: #ffffff;    background: #004392;    cursor: pointer;    background-image: url("");    background-position: 6px 3px;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-size: contain;    padding-left: 38px;  }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon:hover {    color: #fbba00;  }  .text-upper-style {    text-transform: uppercase;  }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />  <div class="col-xs-8 col-md-6">    <form class="form-horizontal rechercheProduit">      <div class="input-group">        <input class="form-control" placeholder="Rechercher un produit, une référence ..." type="text">        <span class="input-group-addon">          <span class="text-upper-style">            Rechercher</span>        </span>      </div>    </form>  </div>

You need of course to change the background-position, background-size, padding-left so it fits your image.

Adjust the background-size to define the size of the image, change the background-position to position the image inside the span and change the padding-left value to move the text further to the right.

Answers 7

You can override .glyphicon and set your image as a background for it and remove its icon

.rechercheProduit .input-group-addon span.glyphicon{     background: url(;     background-size: 100% 100%;     height: 24px;     width: 38px;     vertical-align: text-bottom;     margin: -6px -13px 0 0;     top: auto;     bottom: -6px;     z-index: 0; }  .rechercheProduit .input-group-addon span.glyphicon:before{     content:'';  // To remove its default icon }

Answers 8

You have to hide the default glyphicon then use custom image. Try these lines"

.glyphicon-search::before{ content:none!important; } .glyphicon-search{ background-image:url(../ur-image); height:20px; width:20px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover; } 
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