Saturday, July 2, 2016

Why does this python generator have no output according to keras?

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EDIT: updating all the code to organize this question, same issue and question though.

def extract_hypercolumn(model, layer_indexes, instance):     layers = [model.layers[li].output for li in layer_indexes]     get_feature = K.function([model.layers[0].input],layers)     assert instance.shape == (1,3,224,224)     feature_maps = get_feature([instance])     hypercolumns = []     for convmap in feature_maps:         for fmap in convmap[0]:             upscaled = sp.misc.imresize(fmap, size=(224, 224),                                         mode="F", interp='bilinear')             hypercolumns.append(upscaled)      return np.asarray(hypercolumns)  def get_arrays(each_file):     img = color.rgb2lab(io.imread(each_file)[..., :3])     X = img[:,:,:1]     y = img[:,:,1:]     X_rows,X_columns,X_channels=X.shape     y_rows,y_columns,y_channels=y.shape     X_channels_first = np.transpose(X,(2,0,1))     X_sample = np.expand_dims(X_channels_first,axis=0)     X_3d = np.tile(X_sample,(1,3,1,1))     hc = extract_hypercolumn(model,[3,8],X_3d)     hc_expand_dims = np.expand_dims(hc,axis=0)     y_reshaped = np.reshape(y,(y_rows*y_columns,y_channels))     classed_pixels_first = KNN.predict_proba(y_reshaped)     classed_classes_first = np.transpose(classed_pixels_first,(1,0))     classed_expand_dims = np.expand_dims(classed_classes_first,axis=0)     print "hypercolumn shape: ",hc_expand_dims.shape,"classified output color shape: ",classed_expand_dims.shape     return hc_expand_dims,classed_expand_dims   def generate_batch():     files = glob.glob('../manga-resized/sliced/*.png')     while True:         random.shuffle(files)         for fl in files:             yield get_arrays(fl)  colorize = Colorize() colorize.compile(optimizer=sgd,loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=["accuracy"])   colorize.fit_generator(generate_batch(),samples_per_epoch=1,nb_epoch=5) 

Here is the traceback (using Tensorflow) :

    Using TensorFlow backend. output shape:  (None, 112, 228, 228) output_shape after reshaped:  (None, 112, 51984) Epoch 1/5 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "", line 152, in <module>     colorize.fit_generator(generate_batch(),samples_per_epoch=1,nb_epoch=5)   File "/Users/alex/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/", line 651, in fit_generator     max_q_size=max_q_size)   File "/Users/alex/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 1358, in fit_generator     'or (x, y). Found: ' + str(generator_output)) Exception: output of generator should be a tuple (x, y, sample_weight) or (x, y). Found: None Exception in thread Thread-1: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/Users/alex/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner   File "/Users/alex/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/", line 754, in run     self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)   File "/Users/alex/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 404, in data_generator_task     generator_output = next(generator) StopIteration 

And using theano - note that here hyper column and the classed labels are successfully printed - it seems like this is closer to working:

UPDATE: it works using theano! Im satisfied. however, the question still stands with tensor flow I guess

Now, when I try:

for a, b in generate_batch(): print(a, b) 


print list(islice(generate_batch(), 3)) 

EDIT: New development - They work!

This works perfectly at least it prints out numpy arrays rather than erring out. However, the Keras issue remains

This makes me wonder if I am simply running into a limitation of keras - since there is so much preprocessing of the data - feeding the image into VGG, extracting the hyper columns, performing the KNN classification on the labels, etc. The fit generator is trying to get batches but doing a ton of work to do it. Perhaps it is too much so it just sees the return value as empty because it is taking so much memory/bandwidth.

I know tensor flow for instance has an entire queueing system built out for this exact issue. It would be awesome to know if this is what Im experiencing - as opposed to implementation error. Any keras experts out there care to weight in??? :)

1 Answers

Answers 1

generator should be infinite (loops through data) in fit_generator.

c.f. keras documentation on fit_generator

The generator is expected to loop over its data indefinitely.

Try changing your function generate_batch to:

def generate_batch():     files = glob.glob('../manga-resized/sliced/*.png')     while True:         random.shuffle(files)         for fl in files:             yield get_arrays(fl) 


I think the problem of your code comes from the line

y_reshaped = (y,(y_rows*y_columns,y_channels)) 

This line doesn't seem to do the reshaping at all. It just create a tuple with 2 elements: the numpy array y and the tuple (y_rows*y_columns,y_channels).

I suppose you should write something like

y_reshaped = np.reshape(y,(y_rows*y_columns,y_channels)) 
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