Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to implement the simplest alien in a REST webservice?

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I need a JSON endpoint that return data directally from a stored procedure. Example:

@Procedure("complex") String complexStoredProcedure(); 

The simplest case is the GET endpoint with no parameter... The returned data is a (blabck-box) JSON, with no relationship with a Spring entity, and no special data-type (an "alien datatype" for my Spring application)...

If you need an example, suppose a simple controller as

@RequestMapping(value="/howto", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @Procedure(name = "MyRandom.random")  // ?? not work public String howto() {      double x = random();  // from stored-procedure call, how to do it?     return "{\"result\":"+x+"}"; } 

How to implement it? that is, the simplest way to implement a controller method that do it (a call to a stored-procedure)?

EDIT: cleaned the redundant code fragments, transfered to answer-Wiki below.

2 Answers

Answers 1

Im not really sure if I understand your question well but this is my solution.

I created a simple procedure on a oracle DB:


To use @Procedure in the Spring environment you will need an Entity and a Repository. So I created a simple Entity and it's Repository:

@Entity public class City {      @Id     private String cityCode;      //...getter/setter } 


public interface LandRepository extends CrudRepository<City, String> {      @Procedure(name="TESTPROCOUTPUT", outputParameterName="param2")     String TESTPROCOUTPUT(); } 

It is important that the method name has the same name like the procedure has. (Not sure if its just for oracle the case. And could also be in camelCase I think)

So in your controller you can now easily autowire the repository (or if you have an implementation of the interface use this).

@Controller public class CityController {      private CityRepository cityRepository;      @RequestMapping(value="/howto", method=RequestMethod.GET)     @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)     @ResponseBody     public String howto() {          String s = cityRepository.TESTPROCOUTPUT();         return "{\"result\":" + s + "}";     }      public CityRepository getCityRepository () {         return cityRepository;     }      @Autowired     public void setCityRepository (CityRepository cityRepository) {         this.cityRepository= cityRepository;     } } 

And the result is:

enter image description here

So you are not able to use @Procedure annotation on non repository methods.

Annotation to declare JPA 2.1 stored procedure mappings directly on repository methods.

Answers 2

I am trying to respond... It is only "the simplest" for my view point and my basic tests, you can show another solution to get the bounty.

Starting as " simple Spring controller with data returned from @Procedure, how to? " context.... And, as I am using PostgreSQL (where a SELECT f(x) is valid), the @Query is a workaround for @Procedure... But ideal answer must be generic... So...

PROBLEMS WITH THIS ANSWER: use nativeQuery = true mode at @Query, and not using @Procedure.

3 steps for add "alien @Query" in an existent domain

Any Spring domain can use any @Query, so the domain choice is only a kind of "house organization" and semantic, no constraint over your native SQL code and domain/repository choice.

  1. At domain's domain.repository package file, add a method with @Query and with other imports add all Query-context imports (QueryAnnotation, JpaRepository, query.Param, etc. if need);

  2. At domain's service package file, add the new custom "find" method definition.

  3. At controll's method, call the method defined in the service.

Illustrating with real files

Step1: add the new @Query into a existing repository file, eg. myprj/address/domain/repository/

package com.myprj.address.domain.repository;  // old  import com.myprj.address.domain.entity.City;   //old // ... other project's specific (old) import;  import; // new import; // new import; // new  @Repository public interface ICityRepository extends BaseRepository<City, Long> { //old     Page<City> findByState(State state, Pageable pageable); //old      // here an alien example! (simplest is a call to a constant value)     @Query(nativeQuery = true, value= "SELECT 1234.5678") // NEW!      Double findCustom();  } 

The alien is there!

Step2: import repository and add defined findCustom() into a existing service file, eg. myprj/address/service/

package com.myprj.address.service; // old  import com.myprj.address.domain.entity.City; // ... other project's specific (old)  @Service    public class CityService         extends BaseService<City, ICityRepository, Long> {   // old      @Autowired     public CityService(ICityRepository repository) {super(repository);} // old      public Page<City> findByState(State state, Pageable pageable) {         return repository.findByState(state, pageable);     } // old      public Double findCustom() { return repository.findCustom(); }  // NEW!!  } 

Step3: add defined cityService.findCustom() into a existing controller file, eg. myprj/address/controller/

Step3: a dummy endpoint to test and show the query result,

package com.myprj.address.controller;  // old  import com.myprj.address.service.CityService;  // reuse old // ... other project's specific (old)  @RestController   // old @RequestMapping(value = "/zip", produces = "application/json")  // old public class ZipController {   // old      @Autowired  // old     private CityService cityService;  // old, so reuse it      // .. many many endpoints ... OLD          // NEW!!     @RequestMapping(value="/dummy", method=RequestMethod.GET)     @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)     public String dummy() {         double x = cityService.findCustom();         return "{\"success\":"+x+"}";     } } 
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