I've got MySQL tables for site cart:
Cart: id | user Cart_goods: cart_id | good_id | good_type Details: id | name Appliances: id | name
Class Cart, which contains goods:
class Cart extends Model { protected $table = 'cart'; protected $fillable = ['user', 'sum', 'profit', 'discount']; protected $guarded = ['user']; public function goods() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Good'); } }
Class Good, which can be Detail or Appliance and relative to cart by cart_id:
class Good extends Model { protected $table = 'cart_goods'; protected $types = [ 'Detail' => 'App\Models\Detail', 'Appliance' => 'App\Models\Appliance' ]; public $primaryKey = 'cart_id'; public function good() { return $this->morphTo(); } }
Detail class:
class Detail extends Model { use SoftDeletes; protected $morphClass = 'Detail'; protected $table = 'details'; protected $fillable = ['article', 'name', 'photo', 'price_procurement', 'price_retail', 'serial', 'location_id', 'type_id', 'appliance_id', 'comment', 'for']; protected $dates = ['deleted_at']; protected $guarded = []; public function goods() { return $this->morphMany('App\Models\Good', 'good'); } }
And i need to get all appliances and details in cart. How can i do it by using ORM?
3 Answers
Answers 1
Use nested eager loading. Assuming that relationship method names are cartGoods
, details
and appliances
, that details
are details of a cart and that you've defined the relationships right:
Card::where('id', $id) ->with('cartGoods.appliances', 'details') ->first();
Answers 2
Try this:
Method 1: If you have a $cart model instance
Method 2: If you need all appliances and details from cart by card ID
Cart::where('id', $cartId)->with('goods.good')->first();
Answers 3
I've done this, problem was in model name, i was writing it to DB like Detail and Appliance, but i was need to use
Relation::morphMap([ 'detail' => 'App\Models\Detail', 'appliance' => 'App\Models\Appliance', ]);
In AppServiceProvider class.
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