Monday, December 18, 2017

Accuracy not improved for restored model in Tensorflow

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I am running an LSTM network for language modeling and I am using the tf.Supervisor for saving and restoring the session.

After each epoch, I print the perplexity value. The first time that I restore the session, I notice how the perplexity is lower than in the previous run, but afterwards although I see the perplexity go down in further epochs, when I restore the model the perplexity is the same as it was after the first time I saved it. I always print the global_step, so I am sure that I am loading the latest checkpoint.

Perplexity values in first run:

Global step 0 Epoch: 1 Train perplexity: 1053.873 Eval perplexity: 994.486 Epoch: 2 Train perplexity: 559.507 Eval perplexity: 803.345 Epoch: 3 Train perplexity: 377.886 Eval perplexity: 606.682 Epoch: 4 Train perplexity: 282.728 Eval perplexity: 472.485 Epoch: 5 Train perplexity: 229.564 Eval perplexity: 433.604 

Second run after restore:

Global step 830 Epoch: 1 Train perplexity: 394.555 Eval perplexity: 562.316 Epoch: 2 Train perplexity: 280.981 Eval perplexity: 440.451 Epoch: 3 Train perplexity: 226.292 Eval perplexity: 384.905 Epoch: 4 Train perplexity: 189.826 Eval perplexity: 340.012 Epoch: 5 Train perplexity: 166.766 Eval perplexity: 328.017 

Third run after restore:

Global step 1648 Epoch: 1 Train perplexity: 374.898 Eval perplexity: 508.347 Epoch: 2 Train perplexity: 271.804 Eval perplexity: 419.742 Epoch: 3 Train perplexity: 224.735 Eval perplexity: 367.012 Epoch: 4 Train perplexity: 192.667 Eval perplexity: 336.119 Epoch: 5 Train perplexity: 170.210 Eval perplexity: 303.626 

All further runs deliver similar results, the global_step continues to go up, but the perplexity value stays the same.

Below a snippet of the code from where I start the session.

def run_epoch(session: tf.Session, model, is_train=False, verbose=False):     costs = 0     costs_list = []     iters = 0     start_time = time.time()     fetches = {'cost': model.cost,                'final_state': model.final_state,                'outputs': model.outputs,                'states': model.states                }      if is_train:         fetches.update({'train_op': model._train_op})      state =     for step in range(model.input.epoch_size):         feed_dict = {}         for i, (c, h) in enumerate(model.initial_state):             feed_dict[c] = state[i].c             feed_dict[h] = state[i].h          vals =, feed_dict)          cost = vals["cost"]         state = vals["final_state"]          costs += cost         costs_list.append(cost)         iters += model.input.num_steps          if verbose and step % (model.input.epoch_size // 10) == 10:             print('mean_cost:', np.array(costs_list).mean(), 'costs:', costs, 'iters:', iters)             print("%.3f perplexity: %.3f speed: %.0f wps" %                   (step * 1.0 / model.input.epoch_size, np.exp(costs / iters),                   iters * model.input.batch_size * max(1, 1) /                   (time.time() - start_time)))             costs_list = []     return np.exp(costs / iters)   def train_model():     config = ModelConfig()     raw_data, id_to_word = embed_to_vocab(config, TRAIN_SOURCE)     word_to_id = {w: i for i, w in id_to_word.items()}     raw_eval_data, id_to_word_eval = embed_to_vocab(config, EVAL_SOURCE, word_to_id=word_to_id)       with tf.Graph().as_default():          with tf.name_scope('train'):             with tf.variable_scope('Model'):                 data_input = LstmInput(config, raw_data)                 model = LstmNet(config, data_input)          print('train model created')          with tf.name_scope('eval'):             with tf.variable_scope('Model', reuse=True):                 eval_input = LstmInput(config, raw_eval_data)                 eval_model = LstmNet(config, eval_input, is_training=False)          print('eval model created')          config_proto = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=False)         sv = tf.train.Supervisor(logdir=SAVE_PATH, save_model_secs=7)          with sv.managed_session(config=config_proto) as session:             print('Global step', sv.global_step.eval(session=session))             for i in range(EPOCHS):                 print('Epoch: %s' % (i + 1))                 train_perplexity = run_epoch(session, model, verbose=False, is_train=True)                 print('Train perplexity: {:.3f}'.format(train_perplexity))                 eval_perplexity = run_epoch(session, eval_model)                 print('Eval perplexity: {:.3f}'.format(eval_perplexity))             print(sv.global_step.eval(session=session)) 

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