Sunday, January 28, 2018

Eloquent join using “USING” clause with N query

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I'm using Slim Framework with Illuminate Database.
I want to make JOIN query with USING clausa. Let's say given Sakila database. Diagram :
ER Diagram
How to make join with USING clause (not ON) in eloquent model ?

SELECT film_id,title,first_name,last_name  FROM film_actor  INNER join film USING(film_id) -- notice  INNER join actor USING(actor_id) -- notice  

What I want is an eager loading with EXACT 1 query. The use of eloquent relationships described in the API is not meeting my expectation, since any eager relation use N+1 query. I want to make it less IO to database.

FilmActor model :

class FilmActor extends Model {     protected $table = 'film_actor';     protected $primaryKey = ["actor_id", "film_id"];     protected $increamenting = false;     protected $appends = ['full_name'];      // i need to make it in Eloquent model way, so it easier to manipulate     public function getFullNameAttribute()       {         $fn = "";         $fn .= isset($this->first_name) ? $this->first_name ." ": "";         $fn .= isset($this->last_name) ? $this->last_name ." ": "";         return $fn;      }      public function allJoin()     {         // how to join with "USING" clause ?         return self::select(["film.film_id","title","first_name","last_name"])             ->join("film", "film_actor.film_id", '=', 'film.film_id')               ->join("actor", "film_actor.actor_id", '=', 'actor.actor_id');            //something like         //return self::select("*")->joinUsing("film",["film_id"]);         //or         //return self::select("*")->join("film",function($join){         //    $join->using("film_id");         //});     } } 

So, in the controller I can get the data like

$data = FilmActor::allJoin()           ->limit(100)           ->get();`   

But there's a con, if I need to add extra behavior (like where or order).

$data = FilmActor::allJoin()         ->where("film.film_id","1")            ->orderBy("film_actor.actor_id")           ->limit(100)           ->get();`   

I need to pass table name to avoid ambiguous field. Not good. So I want for further use, I can do

$kat = $request->getParam("kat","first_name");   // ["film_id", "title", "first_name", "last_name"]   // from combobox html   // adding "film.film_id" to combo is not an option   // passing table name to html ?? big NO  $search = $request->getParam("search",""); $order = $request->getParam("order",""); $data = FilmActor::allJoin()         ->where($kat,"like","%$search%")            ->orderBy($order)           ->limit(100)           ->get();`   

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