Monday, January 29, 2018

Grouping ID-identified pages in Google Analytics

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I've been tasked to generate more useful data out of our google analytics account.

We have URL paths that include the ID of a given object, say a product, workspace, or device. So routes could look like





Following the pattern /ide/products/{{product_id}}/workspaces/{{workspace_id}}/{{page}} , among other things.

In "Behavior Flow," I'm trying to show how users navigate from /ide to /ide/products to ide/products/{{any_product_id}}/workspaces to ide/products/{{any_product_id}}/workspaces/{{any_workspaces_id}}/draft but am unclear how to create groupings that ignore arbitrary IDs. I've tried "Content Groupings" but those seem to be more high-level than what I'm looking for, in that I must "select" one as a top-level filter in the behavior flow chart (as opposed to "automatic groupings").

How can I demonstrate user flow that is identical regardless of the actual ID of the object being "plugged into" a given page? How do I see charts in Google Analytics that treat



as the same route?

EDIT: Another example: I'm looking at behavior > Page Timings, with Primary Dimension set to "Page." I'm seeing /ide/products/{{id_1}}/workspaces/{{workspace_1}}/draft and /ide/products/{{id_2}}/workspaces/{{workspace_2}}/draft as separate entities, when ideally they would be treated as a single entity, as page load time is affected by the application features on that page (which are universal regardless of the given ID).

1 Answers

Answers 1

You can totally get this done by using event tracking. Not sure how well your Javascript knowledge but here is what I've done for projects that I've worked on.

1. Implement event tracking

Use Javascript to send event based on page, user actions or whatever event. Read simple guide from Google . In your case, you will need to have Javascript code in the four pages and send event according to the page users are loading. They look something like this:

IDE page

gtag('event', 'ide', {   'event_category': 'page_load',   'event_label': 'Google' }); 

Products page

gtag('event', 'products', {   'event_category': 'page_load',   'event_label': 'Google' }); 

Wordspaces page

gtag('event', 'products', {   'event_category': 'page_load',   'event_label': 'Google' }); 

Workspaces page

gtag('event', 'workspaces', {   'event_category': 'page_load',   'event_label': 'Google' }); 

2. Viewing event flow

After implementing and making sure that Google receiving events. Open Google Analytics dashboard > Behaviors > Events > Event Flow

Enjoy the result!

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