I am capturing keypresses like this:
<div class="contentView" ng-keypress="phs.keyEnter($event)"> keyEnter = ($event): void => { var a = $event;
How can I make it so that clicking a key will make the cursor go to an input field:
<input ng-change="phs.englishChange();" ng-model="phs.english" ng-model-options="{ debounce: 750 }" style="width:6rem;" type="text" />
2 Answers
Answers 1
I think directive
can help us to have a more universal and re-usable solution to your problem, because it is the most good place to attach a specified behavior to that input
element. So here is a custom doOnKeypress
directive that accepts a key (doOnKeypress
) and an optional callback (acceptOn
) to check the target of the fired keypress
event and a callback (onKeypress
) that is going to be fired if all conditions are satisfied.
In the example below the input
will be focused whenever a keyboard button is pressed. I left the comments so you can modify it for your needs (hope the general idea is clear):
angular.module("app", []) .controller("TestController", ["$scope", function ($scope) { $scope.acceptOn = function (target, element) { console.log(target); // you can make any checks for target by passing this into a directive return element[0] !== target[0]; //target is not the same input element }; $scope.focusOn = function (element) { element[0].focus(); // or whatever you want with element }; }]).directive('doOnKeypress', ['$document', function ($document) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { doOnKeypress: '@', acceptOn: '&?', onKeypress: '&' }, link: function postLink(scope, element) { function keypress(e) { var target = angular.element(e.target); var targetIsAcceptable = angular.isFunction(scope.acceptOn) ? scope.acceptOn({ target: target, element: element }) : true; // add the condition to test the target var specialKeyPressed = e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey; // in case you need to check any special keys if (targetIsAcceptable && !specialKeyPressed) { var keyCode = e.which || e.keyCode; var key = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); if ("*" === scope.doOnKeypress || key.toLowerCase() === scope.doOnKeypress.toLowerCase()) { // any check before focusing (lets say * - is any key) e.preventDefault(); // prevent from typing into the input scope.onKeypress({element: element}); } } } $document.on('keypress', keypress); scope.$on('$destroy', function () { $document.off('keypress', keypress); }); } }; }]);
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.7/angular.min.js"></script> <body ng-app="app" class=""> <div ng-controller="TestController" class='listen-to-keypress'> TestController <br/> <div> <input ng-change="phs.englishChange();" ng-model="phs.english" ng-model-options="{ debounce: 750 }" style="width:6rem;" do-on-keypress='A' accept-on='acceptOn(target, element)' on-keypress='focusOn(element)' type="text" /> </div> </div> </body>
UPDATE: added element
argument to the acceptOn
callback to allow to compare target with the same element, since we want to let the user typing into this input
element in our case.
Answers 2
<input value="_sample input value" ng-click="getCur_Pos($e)" ng-keyup="getCur_Pos($e)"/> <div> Cursor Pos : <b ng-bind="curPos_Val"></b></div>
$scope.getCur_Pos = function($e) { $scope.doCar_Position($e.target); }; $scope.doCar_Position = function(o_Fld) { var _Crt_Pos = 0; if (o_Fld.selectionStart || o_Fld.selectionStart == '0') _Crt_Pos = o_Fld.selectionStart; // Return results $scope.curPos_Val = _Crt_Pos;
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