Friday, March 23, 2018

Range slider's touch (box) of video trimmer “off”

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I am using FDTake (the pod wont be too important for this question but still) to select videos from Photos which works fine. However, I would also like to be able to edit videos and limit their length to about 12 seconds. To do so I looked at the code of the pod and changed line 271 to self.imagePicker.allowsEditing = true which already causes the problem I haven't been able to solve so far: The left slider's touch (box) is “off”. Since that's a rather vague description I uploaded a video and you can find it right here.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what engenders the problem and would really appreciate some help with this. I asked the creator of FDTake but apparently he thinks that Apple needs to fix this (as you'll be able to see in one of the latest closed issues).

Can someone explain how I can fix this and what is causing it?

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