Sunday, March 4, 2018

Video modal not working consistently in IOS and IE11

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I have this site here, it has a vedio popup:

enter image description here

ISSUE::- If you click on the above video thumbnail , a popup will appear , now in chrome this popup appears just fine, but in IE and IOS sometimes when i click on the link, it just moves to the top of the page. (default anchor behavior). In IE sometimes the popup opens and the video plays , then when i hard refresh the video does't play anymore.

MY DIAGNOSIS::- Alot of the plugins for this vedio modal are being loaded via require.js , such as modalvideotrigger.js, the click handler for the video is being attached on line 179 of the modalvideotrigger.js file like so:

$jquery("a[data-videomodal='true']").bind("click", { "module": module }, module.onVideoModalClick); 

If I attach a breakpoint in IE on this line when the video popup is not working, the line is never hit.

I have a file script2.js in which the plugin is initialized like so:

require(["/Content/Shared/Core/js/RequireJs/config.js"], function () {     require(["core/Mylan/mylanmanager", "core/Mylan/Modules/moduleUtils", "core/Mylan/Modules/modalvideotrigger"],         function (mylanmanager, utils, modalvideotrigger) {                  var settings = {                     AspectRatio: '16:9',                     EnableProgressionTracking: false,                     ProgressionTrackingReportingInterval: 0,                     ProgressionTrackingCategory: 'video',                     ProgressionTrackingAction: 'playback',                     ProgressionTrackingLabelOverride: null,                     ProgressionTrackingValueOverride: 0,                     GtmEventName: 'VideoProgressionTracking'                 };                  mylanmanager.registerModule(new modalvideotrigger("Hero Video Slide", settings));         }     ); }); 

My config file for require.js looks like so:

require.config({     baseUrl: "/Content",     paths: {         "core": "Shared/Core/js",         "jquery": "Shared/Core/js/jQuery/jquery",         "jqueryui": "Shared/Core/js/jQuery/jquery-ui",         "jquerytooltabs": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.tool.tabs",         "modernizr": "Shared/Core/js/Modernizr/modernizr",         "html5shiv": "Shared/Core/js/Html5Shiv/html5shiv",         "jwplayer": "Shared/Core/js/JWPlayer/jwplayer",         "bxslider": "Shared/Core/js/BxSlider/bxslider",         "componentcatalog": "Shared/Core/js/Mylan/componentCatalog",         "validate":"Shared/Core/js/jquery.validate.min",         "unobtrusive": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min",         "validatehooks": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.validate.hooks",         "easing": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.easing.1.3",         "waitforimages": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.waitforimages",         "idletimer": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.idle-timer.min",         "skrollr": "Shared/Core/js/Skrollr/skrollr.min",         "skrollrmenu": "Shared/Core/js/Skrollr/",         "jquerymask": "Shared/Core/js/jquery.mask",     },     shim: {         "bxslider": ["jquery"],         "validate": ["jquery"],         "unobtrusive": ["jquery", "validate"],         "easing": ["jquery"],         "validatehooks": ["jquery", "validate", "unobtrusive"],         "waitforimages": ["jquery"],         "idletimer": ["jquery"],         "skrollrmenu": ["skrollr"],         "jqueryui": ["jquery"],         "jquerytooltabs": ["jquery"]     },     waitSeconds: 0 //25 }); 

I have tried increasing the waitsecounds to waitSeconds: 25, but the bug still persists.

Can somebody point me out as to whats going wrong here and why this video modal is not working consistently in IE11 and iOS?

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