Saturday, April 30, 2016

Atom HTML syntax highlight in template literals (for angular2)

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How can I get HTML syntax highlight in template literals?

Something like this which I've wrote for sublime before:
Here is sublime version
How can I write the same thing for Atom?

enter image description here

1 Answers

Answers 1

I was able to achieve this, here is the gist for ts.cson file.
form atom typescript plugin on my system:

This is very useful for angular2 development,
here is an screenshot for atom with html and css highlights:

enter image description here

I couldn't find a better regex to match against template: and styles:[, if anyone can come up with a better regex i will accept their answers.

the important changes in ts.cson file are:

"template-html":   name: "meta.template.html.ts"   begin: "`<!---->"   beginCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   end:"`"   endCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   patterns: [     {       include: "text.html.basic"     }   ] "template-css":   name: "meta.template.css.ts"   begin: "`/\\*\\*/"   beginCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   end:"`"   endCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   patterns: [     {       include: "source.css"     }   ] 


Found a solution:

  "template-html":     name: "meta.template.html.ts"     begin: "(?<=template\\:)\\s*`"     beginCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   end:"`"   endCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   patterns: [     {       include: "text.html.basic"     }   ] "template-css":   name: "meta.template.css.ts"   begin: "(?<=styles\\:)\\s*(\\[)\\s*(`)"   beginCaptures:     "2":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   end:"`"   endCaptures:     "0":       name: "string.quoted.template.ts"   patterns: [     {       include: "source.css"     }   ] 

Here is the updated screenshot:

enter image description here

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