Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Automating wildcard subdomain for users GAE

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I have an app engine instance project under let's say:

My goal is to be able to give a user of my a unique url that they can then map to their own domain using a CNAME record. Basically how you would connect to a domain to a squarespace account.

It could really be anything like so: 

Is this even possible with GAE? I've researched wildcard mappings but there really isn't any solid advice on the topic.

Is this even possible or should I look elsewhere to accomplish this kind of task?

1 Answers

Answers 1

  1. You need a domain host that allows you to set up wildcards in the DNS records
  2. Create a CNAME for * (or * pointing to
  3. In App Engine section in Cloud Console, under settings/custom domains, add the custom domain (you will need to verify ownership by adding a TXT record)
  4. Once verified, add * (or * to the point section
  5. Webapp2 in Python has a function DomainRoute to wire this up at the code level, you will need the find the PHP equivalent
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