Thursday, April 21, 2016

Glassfish 3.12 goes to 100% CPU usage with two users

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Our Glassfish 3.12 went to 100% last night, which locked the users out of the system (there are only two). I did a dump of the Glassfish log (below) and there are ton of locks, although none of them used more than 1 second of CPU. 100% CPU usage seems to be a common problem with Glassfish 3.1.2, but I haven't found a clear solution yet. Any ideas welcome.

./asadmin generate-jvm-report --type=thread --user admin   Thread Synchronization Statistics:  ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 12 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 0 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 79,691,017 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 79,691,017 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Thread-12" thread-id: 24 thread-state: TIMED_WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger@4cc6afaa          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: com.sun.grizzly.Controller.waitUntilSelectorHandlersStop(          at: com.sun.grizzly.Controller.start(          at: com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread.startListener(          at:          at: com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread.startEndpoint(          at:          at:$ Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 0 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 946 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 17,073,572 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 17,073,572 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Grizzly-kernel-thread(1)" thread-id: 22 thread-state: RUNNABLE Running in native          at: Method)          at:          at:          at:          at:          at:          at: com.sun.grizzly.SelectorHandlerRunner.doSelect(          at:          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$          at: Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 1 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 0 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 55,218,828 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 55,218,828 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Grizzly-kernel-thread(1)" thread-id: 20 thread-state: RUNNABLE Running in native          at: Method)          at:          at:          at:          at:          at:          at: com.sun.grizzly.SelectorHandlerRunner.doSelect(          at:          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$          at: Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 3 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 0 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 60,298,518 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 60,298,518 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Thread-7" thread-id: 19 thread-state: TIMED_WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger@836e947          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: com.sun.grizzly.Controller.waitUntilSelectorHandlersStop(          at: com.sun.grizzly.Controller.start(          at: com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread.startListener(          at:          at: com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread.startEndpoint(          at:          at:$ Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 0 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 946 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 21,716,796 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 21,716,796 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Thread-4" thread-id: 16 thread-state: TIMED_WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger@4d0d3887          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: com.sun.grizzly.Controller.waitUntilSelectorHandlersStop(          at: com.sun.grizzly.Controller.start(          at: com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread.startListener(          at:          at: com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThread.startEndpoint(          at:          at:$ Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 2 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 946 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 58,339,427 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 58,339,427 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Thread-2" thread-id: 14 thread-state: WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject@1efa4e96          at: sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)          at: java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(          at: java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(          at: java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.take(          at: com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler.log(          at: com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler$ Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 0 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 78 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 68,044,526 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 68,044,526 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "pool-1-thread-1" thread-id: 13 thread-state: TIMED_WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject@433d69bd          at: sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)          at: java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(          at: java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(          at: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(          at: java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$DelayedWorkQueue.take(          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(          at: java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$          at: Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 0 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 1,892 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 210,072,724 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 210,072,724 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "FelixStartLevel" thread-id: 12 thread-state: WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.ArrayList@74e919c7          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: java.lang.Object.wait(          at:          at: Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 42 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 42 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 688,900,829 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 688,900,829 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "FelixDispatchQueue" thread-id: 11 thread-state: WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.ArrayList@739b93c7          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: java.lang.Object.wait(          at:          at: org.apache.felix.framework.util.EventDispatcher.access$000(          at: org.apache.felix.framework.util.EventDispatcher$          at: Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 232 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 217 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 117,033,893 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 117,033,893 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Signal Dispatcher" thread-id: 4 thread-state: RUNNABLE Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 0 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 0 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 70,212 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 70,212 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Finalizer" thread-id: 3 thread-state: WAITING Waiting on lock: java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@6b03291c          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(          at: java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(          at: java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 20 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 19 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 52,757,964 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 52,757,964 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thread Execution Information: ----------------------- Thread "Reference Handler" thread-id: 2 thread-state: WAITING Waiting on lock: java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@1c802427          at: java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)          at: java.lang.Object.wait(          at: java.lang.ref.Reference$ Thread Synchronization Statistics: ----------------------- Number of times this thread was blocked (to enter/reenter a Monitor): 18 Number of times this thread waited for a notification (i.e. it was in WAITING or TIMED_WAITING state): 18 Total CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 39,254,957 nanoseconds. User-level CPU time for this thread: 0 seconds 39,254,957 nanoseconds. Object Monitors currently held or requested by this thread: [] Ownable Synchronizers (e.g. ReentrantLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock) held by this thread: [] No deadlock found 

2 Answers

Answers 1

Something you might find useful:

glassfish full gc once an hour

Answers 2

I found in the log an OutOfMemory our due to garbage collection. I increased some of the JVM parameters in the Glassfish server and set it to "server" instead of "client" and it seems to be ok.

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