Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How build SQL Relay for PDO from source on windows?

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I am trying to integrate SQL Relay with PHP PDO on windows (WAMP). I have installed and compiled Rudiments and SQL Relay on windows through visual studio developer command prompt (following the instructions given in http://rudiments.sourceforge.net/rudiments/installing.html and http://sqlrelay.sourceforge.net/sqlrelay/admin/installing.html).

Then I have downloaded pdo_sqlrelay extension (source) from github and trying to build the dll for this extension. In the build instructions I couldn't find the instructions related to windows. I found instruction related to linux. They are as mentioned below...

cd /path/to/pdo_sqlrelay phpize ./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config \ --with-pdo-sqlrelay=/path/to/sqlrelay/prefix \ --with-rudiments=/path/to/rudiments/prefix  make make install 

Then I tried to convert them into relative windows commands by following step by step php extension build instructions (https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild).

When I tried to execute the command configure --disable-all --enable-cli --enable-$remains it is throwing fatal error. (like undefined or invalid $remains).

I would appreciate if some one help me out to build pdo_sqlrelay extension on Windows (WAMP)

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