Thursday, April 14, 2016

how to add arrays and examples in my Swagger UI using Swagger express?

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To sum it up, I basically am trying to make a swagger Ui based on this "tutorial" :

Unfortunately, it doesn't describe at all how to add examples for the body and how to add arrays as well.

The code for the documentation I have right now is :

/** * @swagger * path: /animal/dogs * operations:  *   -  httpMethod: POST *      summary: Add several dogs to the animal shelter *      notes: Returns results of the post *      responseClass: Shelter *      nickname : shelterPostWithDogs *      consumes:  *        - application/json *      parameters: *        - name: body *          schema: true *          description: Dogs object that needs to be added *          paramType: body *          required: true *          dataType: Dog */ 

And I have at the bottom :

/** * @swagger * models: *  Dog: *      id: Dog *      properties: *          dog_id: *              required: true *              type: int *  Shelter: *      id: Shelter *      properties: *          shelter_id: *              type: int *          location: *              type: string                              */ 

Unfortunately, with this, I have this in my Model :

Dog {     dog_id (int) } 

I would like instead to have this:

Dog {     [         { dog_id(int)}     ] } 

What do I have to change to get this result?

Bonus : How do I add examples to my model? I would like something similar to this one :!/pet/addPet Unfortunately, I don't know how to do it in swagger express

1 Answers

Answers 1

I am also very new to swagger-express but one thing I will suggest, you have to use type as "array" in models definition:

Dog:    id: Dog       properties:           dog_id:               required: true               type: **array** 

Hope this will help you.


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