Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to build FaceDetect/cnn_face_detection project on github?

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I want to use the project stored on Github repository but it shows so many different files and no proper documentation is available. Can anyone tell me how to build that github project into an executable?

3 Answers

Answers 1

If the github project has releases or tag, like tornado releases on github.

Then you can run

pip install

like this:

pip install to install the github online project.

But when the project does't have release tab. You need clone the project and compile from source.

In most cases, you can run python install.

The question has a python tag. So take python project as an example.

Answers 2

GitHub is mostly used for code. in various languages

How to make any github project usable or executable is specific to the language and to the kind of the project itself.

Also it need to be careful with the license terms, the state of reliability and completeness of the project you intend to work on (i.e: – snakecharmerb); The fact that the specific project you mention, at the time, do not have a and a license file jet , let's suggest to contact the author or someone contribute/commit the sources for any further informations.

btw the project you mention appears to be a c++ language project; so you need to be able to compile and link it ( Clean an Rebuid ) in some form of executable; The specific repo: cnn_face_detection contains Visual Studio solutions and projects therefore the easy way could be by using Visual Studio and open/import the artifacts ( it depends by version of visual studio you eventually can use ).

It is also required:

  1. to choose if you intend to trust ( or not to trust ) the code:

trusting code

  1. to take care to the paths of the dependencies referenced by the prj because likely they need to be changed to the actual paths were you clone ( download ) the sources on your own filesystem. if don't do that you may not be able to compile the solution (i.e the three projects contained in the repo ):project settings

Answers 3

  1. By looking around the project, you will find folders named "VC2010" and "VC2006". This is a good clue that this is a Microsoft Visual C (or Visual Studio) based project. Inside you will find .sln and .vcxproj files, which are "solution" and "project" files, according to this list

  2. Download and install Visual Studio from here. There are several options, try the Community edition first.

  3. Download the source code of the project from github. To keep it simple you can just use "Download ZIP" button on the project home page.

  4. Run Visual Studio and follow these directions to open one of the solution (.sln) files:

    • On the File menu, click Open Solution. The Open Solution dialog box opens.
    • Navigate to the solution you want.
    • Click the solution folder, which displays and selects the solution file within the folder. If no solution file is visible, verify that the value in the Files of type list box is Solution Files.
    • Click Open.
  5. Build using these instructions. At this point you either have an .exe or a .dll (depending on which project you're building).

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