Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rails - Keep a table out of structure.sql during migrations

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It is straightforward to ignore tables when your schema format is :ruby, but is there a way to do it when your schema format is :sql?

Ideally something like this in environment.rb:

ActiveRecord::SQLDumper.ignore_tables = ['table_name'] 

After a quick perusal through the AR source code it looks unpromising.

1 Answers

Answers 1

There is currently no way to do this, when the schema format is set to :sql, Rails doesn't go through the regular SchemaDumper but instead uses the tasks in ActiveRecord::Tasks::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks to do the dump, check it out here.

The code is quite straightforward. I came up with a simple patch for ActiveRecord that should work as expected. It relies on setting the tables to ignore in your database.yml file. It basically adds the following code:

ignore_tables = configuration['ignore_tables'] unless ignore_tables.blank?   args += ignore_tables.split(',').map do |table|     "-T #{table}"   end end 

I just submitted a pull request to rails with those changes. In case you'd want to test it.

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