Friday, April 15, 2016

Sorting arrow is shown for first column even when sorting is disabled

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I need add "Select all" checkbox in table with using DataTable pligin. I don't found standard method for this and I use addition by manually for this. All Ok, but if I try use localization ('language' property) my "All select" checkbox disappears. I try fix is by add my code in DataTable library, but it is bad way.

  <table id="devices" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">     <thead>       <tr>         <th style="padding:8px; text-align:center;">                         <input type='checkbox' class='minimal check-all' id='check-all-device' name='check-all-device'></input>          </th>         <th>{% trans "STATUS" %}</th>         <th>{% trans "DEVICE NAME" %}</th>         <th>{% trans "ACTIONS" %}</th>         <th></th>       </tr>     </thead>      <tfoot>         <tr>             <th></th>             <th>{% trans "STATUS" %}</th>             <th>{% trans "DEVICE NAME" %}</th>             <th>{% trans "ACTIONS" %}</th>             <th></th>         </tr>     </tfoot>      <tbody id="devices-table-rows">       {% for device in object_list %}         {% include "device_add_row.html" %}       {% endfor %}     </tbody>   </table> 

Add handlers of selection on javascript:

devicesTable = $('#devices').DataTable({     // disable sorting first column     'aoColumnDefs': [{         'bSortable': false,         'aTargets': [0] /* 1st one, start by the right */     }],     stateSave: false });  // Action's select insert in to search row $('#devices_filter').append($('#devices-actions'));      // Settings Check ALL var firstTh = $($($('#devices > thead').find('tr')[0]).find('th')[0]); firstTh.removeClass("sorting_asc");   //iCheck for checkbox and radio inputs $('input[type="checkbox"].minimal, input[type="radio"].minimal').iCheck({     checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-blue',     radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-blue' });  // Check handlers All var checkAll = $('input.check-all'); var checkboxes = $('input.check-single');  checkAll.on('ifChecked ifUnchecked', function(event) {     if (event.type == 'ifChecked') {         checkboxes.iCheck('check');     } else {         checkboxes.iCheck('uncheck');     } });  checkboxes.on('ifChanged', function(event){     if(checkboxes.filter(':checked').length == checkboxes.length) {         checkAll.prop('checked', 'checked');     } else {         checkAll.removeProp('checked');         checkAll.prop('checked', false);     }     checkAll.iCheck('update'); }); 

Result - all right!:

enter image description here

Add using language for table localization:

var languageUrl = ""; }  devicesTable = $('#devices').DataTable({     // disable sorting first column     'aoColumnDefs': [{         'bSortable': false,         'aTargets': [0] /* 1st one, start by the right */     }],     stateSave: false,     language: {         "url": languageUrl     } }); 

My settings is reset:

enter image description here

1 Answers

Answers 1


Option orderable only controls end-user ability to sort the column. This doesn't prevent the column from being sorted programmatically.

Default value for order option which controls how the table is sorted is [[0, 'asc']]. Use this option to set initial sorting order other than first column.

For example:

devicesTable = $('#devices').DataTable({     // disable sorting first column     'columnDefs': [{         'orderable': false,         'targets': 0 /* 1st one, start by the right */     }],     order: [[2, 'asc']],      stateSave: false,     language: {         "url": ""     } }); 


You need to initialize checkboxes in drawCallback handler and use delegated event handlers. Otherwise only checkboxes on the first page would work.

Please note that I just copied parts your code related to iCheck plug-in and cannot guarantee that it will work. The important part of the example below is use of drawCallback and delegated event handlers.

devicesTable = $('#devices').DataTable({     // disable sorting first column     'columnDefs': [{         'orderable': false,         'targets': 0 /* 1st one, start by the right */     }],     order: [[2, 'asc']],      stateSave: false,     language: {         "url": ""     },     drawCallback: function(settings){        var api = this.api();        //iCheck for checkbox and radio inputs       $('input[type="checkbox"].minimal, input[type="radio"].minimal', api.table().node()).iCheck({          checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-blue',          radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-blue'       });     } });  var table_node = devicesTable.table().node();  $('thead', table_node).on('ifChecked ifUnchecked', 'input.check-all', function(event) {     var checkboxes = $('tbody input.check-single', table_node);      if (event.type == 'ifChecked') {         checkboxes.iCheck('check');     } else {         checkboxes.iCheck('uncheck');     } });  $('tbody', table_node).on('ifChanged', 'input.check-single', function(event) {     var checkAll = $('thead input.check-all', table_node);      var checkboxes = $('tbody input.check-single', table_node);      if(checkboxes.filter(':checked').length == checkboxes.length) {         checkAll.prop('checked', 'checked');     } else {         checkAll.removeProp('checked');         checkAll.prop('checked', false);     }     checkAll.iCheck('update'); }); 
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