Thursday, April 14, 2016

What would prevent jobs in a queue from processing? [PHP / Laravel 5]

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I have a queue I set up in Laravel 5 to delete companies and associated records. Each time this happens, a lot of work happens on the back-end, so queues are my best option.

I set up my config/queue.php file along with my .env file so that the database driver will be used. I am using the Queue::pushOn method to push jobs onto a queue called company_deletions. Ex.

Queue::pushOn('company_deletions', new CompanyDelete($id)); 

Where CompanyDelete is a command created with php artisan command:make CompanyDelete --queued

I have tried to get my queue to process using the following commands:

php artisan queue:work php artisan queue:work company_deletions php artisan queue:listen php artisan queue:listen company_deletions php artisan queue:work database php artisan queue:listen database 

Sometimes when looking at the output of the above commands, I get the following error:

[InvalidArgumentException]   No connector for []   

Even when I don't get an error I cannot get it to actually process the jobs for some reason. When I look in my jobs table, I can see the job on the queue, however the attempts column shows 0, reserved shows 0 and reserved_at is null. Am I missing some steps? I have looked over the documentation several times and cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong. I don't see anything in the laravel error logs either. What would prevent these jobs from being processed once they are in the jobs database? Any help is appreciated.

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