Monday, May 2, 2016

show html elements based on user's role

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I am trying to hide html elements from plain users such that only users. I have simple web form setup that makes use of roles provider and membership.

<li runat="server" id="li1" visible ='<%# HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("admin") %>'><a href="screeners.aspx"><span> Admin link</span></a></li> 

I also am trying this without success:

<li runat="server" id="liAdminUsers" visible ='<%# isAdmin %>'><a  href="screeners.aspx"><span> The Hopper</span></a></li> 

the code behind is:

public bool isAdmin =false;             protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)             {                  isAdmin = Page.User.IsInRole("admin");                        } 

update: I know I can get it working by adding in the code behind:

liAdminUsers.Visible = false ; 

but want a UI solution in the .aspx code

6 Answers

Answers 1

You are using data-binding syntax <%# ... %>, so you need to call Page.DataBind()

You typically call DataBind() in your Page_Load method.

Answers 2

I once did something similar using a custom XML file with an attribute indicating if roles were applied or not for a particular application link - and if so, another attribute containing the role name. The code-behind would then check the custom membership store using the logged-in users network identity for authorization checking.

Answers 3

Write a static method in code behind to test the role

public static bool IsAdmin(){    //chech and return true or false } 

In html call this method like

<li runat="server" id="liAdminUsers" visible ='<%# isAdmin() %>'>.....</li> 

In this way you can control you logic like any other method.

Or you can directly set element visible false in your code behind

public static void IsAdmin(){      var admin = ....; //check current user role;             liAdminUsers.Visible = admin; } 

Answers 4

I suggest you formulate a class that will hide the said elements.


hide-elements {    display:none;  }    show-elements {   display:block;  }

C# CodeBehind

public string isAdmin() {    if (condition == false)    return "hidden-elements";    else    return "show-elements"; } 

HTML code

<li runat="server" id="liAdminUsers" class='<%# isAdmin() %>'>.....</li> 

Hope this help. :D (my first post)

Answers 5

If you are reaching a variable from code behind, you need to use <%= isAdmin%> , not <%# isAdmin()%>

Answers 6

in aspx files you can try :

<% if (isAdmin()==true ) {  %> your html codes and server controlls  <%}> 

if isAdmin retruns true asp write yours codes in (your html codes and server controlls) your page.

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