Wednesday, June 15, 2016

R multivariate one step ahead forecasts and accuracy

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Using R I would like to compare the RMSE (root mean square error) from two prediction models. The first model uses estimates from 1966 to 2000 to predict 2001 and then uses estimates from 1966 to 2001 to predict 2002 and so on up to 2015. The second model uses estimates from 1991 to 2000 to predict 2001 and then uses estimates from 1992 to 2001 to predict 2002 and so on up to 2015. This problem has me really stumped and I truly appreciate any help.

DF <- data.frame(YEAR=1966:2015, TEMP=rnorm(50), PRESSURE=rnorm(50), RAINFALL=rnorm(50))  lmod <- lm(TEMP ~ PRESSURE + RAINFALL, data = DF)  rmse <- function(error) sqrt(mean(error^2))  rmse(lmod$residuals) 

3 Answers

Answers 1

You can loop it:

Method 1:

pred1<-numeric(0) rmse1<-numeric(0)  for(i in 1:15){  DF.train1<-DF[DF$YEAR < 2000+i,] DF.test1<-DF[DF$YEAR == 2000+i,] lmod1 <- lm(TEMP ~ PRESSURE + RAINFALL, data = DF.train1) pred1[i]<- predict(lmod1, newdata = DF.test1) rmse1[i]<-sqrt(mean((DF.test1$TEMP-pred1[i])^2)) }  pred1 rmse1   mean(rmse1)   

Method 2:

pred2<-numeric(0) rmse2<-numeric(0)  for(i in 1:15){  DF.train2<-DF[DF$YEAR < 2000+i & DF$YEAR > 1989+i,] DF.test2<-DF[DF$YEAR == 2000+i,] lmod2 <- lm(TEMP ~ PRESSURE + RAINFALL, data = DF.train2) pred2[i]<- predict(lmod2, newdata = DF.test2) rmse2[i]<-sqrt(mean((DF.test2$TEMP-pred2[i])^2)) }   pred2 rmse2   mean(rmse2)  

Comparing the individual components of rmse1 and rmse2, as well as their respective means should be useful. The vectors pred1 and pred2 contain the individual TEMP predictions for each year (2001-2015) for their respective methods.

Edit: should be working now, and Method 2 trains on a rolling 10 year gap. Also, I take RMSE to be the square root of the MSE as defined for predictors in this article.

Answers 2

Here is another solution, where simulations are in a function.
The interest of this solution is to easily modify model specifications.

For example, if you want to try the model2 with a range of 15 years instead of 10, just modify the input in the function (range = 15). This also gives you the possibility to do a light sensibility analysis.

compare_models <- function(DF, start = 1966, end = 2000, range = 10) {   require(hydroGOF)   for (i in (end+1):tail(DF$YEAR)[6])   {    # model1     lmod_1 = lm(TEMP ~ PRESSURE + RAINFALL, data = DF[DF$YEAR >= start & DF$YEAR < i,])     DF$model1_sim[DF$YEAR == i] <- predict(lmod_1, newdata = DF[DF$YEAR == i,])     # model2     lmod_2 = lm(TEMP ~ PRESSURE + RAINFALL, data = DF[DF$YEAR >= i-range & DF$YEAR < i,])     DF$model2_sim[DF$YEAR == i] <- predict(lmod_2, newdata = DF[DF$YEAR == i,])   }   return(DF) }  

I used hydroGOF package to compute rmse and NSE, which is a common indicator of model efficiency (see Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970, 11528 citations at the moment).

output = compare_models(DF)  require(hydroGOF) # compute RMSE and NSE # RMSE  rmse(output$model1_sim,output$TEMP) rmse(output$model2_sim,output$TEMP)  # Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency NSE(output$model1_sim,output$TEMP, na.rm = T) NSE(output$model2_sim,output$TEMP, na.rm = T) 

And a simple simulated/observed plot to look for model predictions:

# melting data for plot output_melt = melt(output[,c("TEMP", "model1_sim", "model2_sim")], id = "TEMP") # Plot ggplot(output_melt, aes(x = TEMP, y = value, color = variable)) +  theme_bw() + geom_point() + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +  xlim(-2,2) + ylim(-2,2) + xlab("Measured") + ylab("Simulated") 

enter image description here

Answers 3

Here's yet another solution:

year <- 2000 time.frame <- 35   train.models <- function(year, time.frame) {    predictions <- sapply(year:(max(df$YEAR)-1),            function(year) {              lmod <- lm(TEMP ~ PRESSURE + RAINFALL, DF,                         subset = with(DF, YEAR %in% (year - time.frame + 1):year))               pred <- predict(lmod, newdata = DF[DF$YEAR == (year + 1),])              names(pred) <- year + 1              return (pred)           })     return (predictions) }  models1 <- train.models(2000, 35) models2 <- train.models(2001, 10)   rmse(models1 - DF$TEMP[DF$YEAR %in% names(models1)]) rmse(models2 - DF$TEMP[DF$YEAR %in% names(models2)]) 
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