The animations of the out and insliding sidemenu or a sliding up modal box from the bottom (Ionic2 Modal) is very fast and smooth.
Now I defined my own animations for floating action buttons. This animation is quite slower than the ionic animations. What is the difference?
Why are my animations a little bit laggy?
animations: [ trigger('heroState', [ state('false', style({ right: '-500px', })), state('true', style({ right: '0px', })), transition('false => true', animate('500ms ease-in')), transition('true => false', animate('500ms ease-out')) ]) ],
1 Answers
Answers 1
@rakete: I think ionic use the different cubic bezier to control the speed over modal animation. Can you try these below ?
transition('false => true', animate('500ms cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1)')
transition('false => true', animate('500ms cubic-bezier(0.36, 0.66, 0.04, 1)')
Read more: Cubic Bezier
Codepen: cubic-bezier(0.36, 0.66, 0.04, 1)
nice article for beginners.thank you.
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