Thursday, September 29, 2016

Any way to run multiple Google App Engine local instances for appengineFunctionalTest?

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From the docs, at

I see that by putting my functionalTests in /src/functionalTests/java does the following:

  1. Starts the Local GAE instance
  2. runs tests in the functionalTests directory
  3. Stops the Local instance after the tests are complete

My Issue

For my microservices, I need to have 2 local servers for running my tests. 1 server is responsible for a lot of auth operations, and the other microservices talk to this server for some verification operations.

I've tried

appengineFunctionalTest.dependsOn ':authservice:appengineRun' 

this does start the dependent server, but then it hangs and the tests don't continue. I see that I can set deamon = true and start the server on a background thread, but I can only seem to do that in isolation.

Is there a way to have a 'dependsOn' also be able to pass parameters to the dependent task? I haven't found a way to make that happen.

Or perhaps there is another way to accomplish this.

Any help appreciated

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