Friday, September 23, 2016

Ionic 2 cordova-plugin-mauron85-background-geolocation Not Updating UI

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I'm new to Ionic and Typescript so apologies if I have this arse about face !

Im trying to build a simple iOS and Android app with Ionic 2 that simply displays the users current location, updating as they move.

The issue I am facing is that whilst I appear to be getting the co-ordinate locations come through the UI never updates to display the updated location.

I have created a provider using the cordova-plugin-mauron85-background-geolocation plugin as location.ts:

import { Injectable, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; import { BackgroundGeolocation } from 'ionic-native';  @Injectable() export class LocationProvider {  public message: any = "I'm new here"; public latitude:number = 0.0; public longitude:number = 0.0; private zone: NgZone;  constructor() {    this.initialiseLocationManager(); }  initialiseLocationManager() {  let config = {         desiredAccuracy: 1,         stationaryRadius: 1,         distanceFilter: 1,         interval:1000,         activityType:'AutomotiveNavigation',         debug: true,         stopOnTerminate: true, };  BackgroundGeolocation.configure(config)      .then(this.locationUpdated)      .catch((error) => {           console.log('BackgroundGeolocation error');       }); }  private locationUpdated(location) {    console.log('******* NEW LOCATION ********'); => {      this.latitude = location.latitude;      this.longitude = location.longitude;  });   BackgroundGeolocation.finish(); // FOR IOS ONLY }  private error(error) {    console.log('ERROR'); }  public startTracking() {   BackgroundGeolocation.start(); }  public stopTracking() {    BackgroundGeolocation.stop(); } } 

I am then injecting this into my page test.ts:

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular'; import {LocationProvider} from '../../providers/location/location';  @Component({   templateUrl: 'build/pages/test/test.html',  }) export class TestPage {    constructor(private nav: NavController, private     locationProvider:LocationProvider) {    }    startTracking() {     this.locationProvider.startTracking();   }    stopTracking() {     this.locationProvider.stopTracking();   } } 

My page content is then:

<ion-header>    <ion-navbar>     <button menuToggle>       <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>     </button>     <ion-title>Test</ion-title>   </ion-navbar> </ion-header>   <ion-content padding>   <button (click)="startTracking()">     Start Tracking   </button>   <button (click)="stopTracking()">     Stop Tracking   </button>    <ion-item>Latitude / Longitude</ion-item>     <ion-item>       {{locationProvider.latitude}},{{locationProvider.longitude}}     </ion-item> </ion-content> 

When I compile my app for iOS and run in Xcode it looks as I expect, when I click the "Start Tracking" button I see entries in the Xcode console that suggest the location is being obtained correctly i.e.

2016-08-06 12:37:17:370 Test[3264:62403] Better location found: Location: id=0 time=140310177131584 lat=51.8724580445 lon=-2.26443678245263 accu=5 aaccu=-1 speed=-1 head=-1 alt=0 type=current 2016-08-06 12:37:17:371 Test[3264:62403] LocationManager queue Location: id=0 time=140310177131584 lat=51.8724580445 lon=-2.26443678245263 accu=5 aaccu=-1 speed=-1 head=-1 alt=0 type=current 2016-08-06 12:37:18:370 Test[3264:62403] LocationManager didUpdateLocations (operationMode: 1) 2016-08-06 12:37:18:370 Test[3264:62403] Location age 0.001122 2016-08-06 12:37:18:370 Test[3264:62403] Better location found: Location: id=0 time=140310177372752 lat=51.8726980292 lon=-2.26504136905789 accu=5 aaccu=-1 speed=-1 head=-1 alt=0 type=current 2016-08-06 12:37:18:370 Test[3264:62403] LocationManager queue Location: id=0 time=140310177372752 lat=51.8726980292 lon=-2.26504136905789 accu=5 aaccu=-1 speed=-1 head=-1 alt=0 type=current 

But the co-ordinates displayed on the page never seem to refresh and update the true location.

Im probably missing the obvious, but can't see it, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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