Monday, September 26, 2016

VBA trigger enter or update lookup values

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I have the following code:

Sub PrintToCSV()     Dim i As Long, e As Long     i = Worksheets("STATEMENT (2)").Range("$G$6").Value     e = Worksheets("STATEMENT (2)").Range("$G$7").Value      Do While i <= e         Range("K6") = i         Application.Wait (Now + #12:00:01 AM#)          If Range("$X$10").Value > 0 Then             Cells(1, 1).Value = i         End If          i = i + 1     Loop End Sub 

It loops and changes value of Range("K6") as expected. However, the value of Range("K6") updates other cells values (vlookup) when I do it manually, but not with this code. How can I ensure the values of other cells depended on Range("K6") changes with this code?

3 Answers

Answers 1

Just FYI - do not declare like this:

Dim i,e as long 

because for this declaration only "e" is declared as long and "i" as a variant. This may cause problems somewhere later.enter image description here

The correct way is:

Dim i as long Dim e as long 

Answers 2

The problem lays in the type mismatch. Range("K6") value is a long integer, while lookup table stored account numbers as text. Converting text to a number solved the problem.

Answers 3

Here you got a bug in your code because i type was undefined. And this should be fixed with Option Explicit - if we were in pure .

This is a common declaration issue where we assume will read

Dim i,e as long 


Dim i as long Dim e as long ... 

Unfortunately it doesn't. It is weird, because it differs from the way it works in :

Declaring Multiple Variables

You can declare several variables in one declaration statement, specifying the variable name for each one, and following each array name with parentheses. Multiple variables are separated by commas.

Dim lastTime, nextTime, allTimes() As Date 

In VBA, to be sure of the type, we can get check the type of the variable that way with TypeName:

Sub getTypes()     Dim i, e As Long     MsgBox "i: " & TypeName(i)     MsgBox "e: " & TypeName(e) End Sub 


i: Empty e: Long 
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