I have an Event model with parent_id
and date
has_many :children, :class_name => "Event" belongs_to :parent, :class_name => "Event"
I have no issues calling event.parent
or event.children
. A child event never has a child itself.
I am trying to add a scope to this model so that I can return the child with the nearest future date for every parent. Something like:
scope :future, -> { where("date > ?", Date.today) } scope :closest, -> { group('"parent_id"').having('date = MAX(date)') } Event.future.closest ==> returns the closest child event from every parent
But the above :closest
scope is returning more than one child per parent.
3 Answers
Answers 1
I ended up using:
scope :closest, -> { where(id: Event.group(:parent_id).minimum(:date).keys) }
Answers 2
Your own answer looks good, but I would refine it the following way:
scope :closest, -> { where.not(parent_id: nil).group(:parent_id).minimum(:date) }
And very important or else in production you would always get the deployment date as Date.today
because it will only reload in development:
scope :future, -> { where("date > ?", Proc.new { Date.today }) }
Answers 3
Ignoring Rails for a moment, what you are doing in SQL is the greatest-n-per-group problem. Here are lots of solutions. I would choose either DISTINCT ON
. Here is how it might look in Rails:
scope :closest, -> { select("DISTINCT ON (parent_id) events.*"). order("parent_id, date ASC") }
This will give you the child objects. (You probably also want a condition to exclude rows with no parent_id
.) From your own solutions, it sounds like that's what you want. If instead you want the parent objects, with an optional attached child object, then use a lateral join. That is a little trickier to translate into ActiveRecord though. If it's acceptable to do it in two queries, this looks like it should work (sticking with DISTINCT ON
has_one :closest_child, -> { select("DISTINCT ON (parent_id) events.*"). order("parent_id, date ASC") }, class_name: Event, foreign_key: "parent_id"
Then you can say Event.includes(:closest_child)
. Again, you probably want to filter out all the non-parents though.
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