Monday, October 24, 2016

VS 2013 Designer - “An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format”

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Amongst other items, my solution contains a project that defines a control and another project that uses this control on a form. When I try to open this form in the VS Designer, I get the following error:

 Could not load file or assembly 'libX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.  

where libX is neither the project with control, nor the project with the form. When I try to just build the solution, everything goes absolutely fine. When I run an application that shows the form, all is good. It's the Designer that seems to dislike something.

Things that I have tried so far:

  • Having googled the issue, I have gone through the common attempts to solve this. Namely, the config of my solution is correct in the Configuration Manager and the project does not use anything of IIS (hence the solution with enabling 32b does not apply)
  • I tried opening the form at work on a different version of VS 2013 (12.0.21005.1 REL) and that worked without any problems.
  • I am using VS 2013 Update 5. Since there were times when the Designed worked OK, I tried downgrading to Update 2 - without help.
  • I tried Repairing my VS - without help.

EDIT: A minimal project that demonstrates the problem is to be found here. The problematic form is to be found in the\ project.

The error that I get when opening the form in VS Designer is tnhe following: enter image description here

Any help is much appreciated, Daniel

1 Answers

Answers 1

An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. In case the application is run in Visual Studio installed on 64-bit OS with the TargetCPU = “Any CPU” the error message “An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000В)” can occur.

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