I am wondering if Socket.io will internally do bookkeeping and allow the user to retrieve a list of clients, or if we will manually need to keep track of a list of connected clients like so:
var Server = require('socket.io'); var io = new Server(3980, {}); const clients = []; io.on('connection', function (socket) { clients.push(socket); socket.on('disconnect', function () { clients.splice(clients.indexOf(socket),1); }); });
does socket.io store a list of connections, somewhere like:
having more trouble than I expected to find this information, for newer versions of socket.io. I am using version => "socket.io": "^1.7.2"
2 Answers
Answers 1
The following function will give you an array of socket objects:
function clients(namespace) { var res = []; var ns = io.of(namespace || "/"); if (ns) { Object.keys(ns.connected).forEach(function (id) { res.push(ns.connected[id]); }); } return res; }
Answers 2
Maybe you need this: io.sockets.connected
var clients = Object.keys(io.sockets.connected);
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