Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chrome cookies not working after tomcat web server reboot

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I noticed recently, that when I reboot my Tomcat web server, that the Chrome browser can no longer store cookies. i.e. tomcat uses cookies for http sessions, and the browser can no longer get its http session, also the cookie we use to store the logged in user fails, and the user does not remain logged in.

This seems to be a new issue with Chrome, perhaps from a recent update, I do not remember seeing it before. If I close the Chrome browser, then reopen it, it is fine again (until the server is rebooted again).

The issue does not happen on Firefox, seems like a bug in Chrome.

Has anyone else noticed this issue, or know of a solution?

I found some posts about Chrome/tomcat cookie issues and the suggestion to set, sessionCookiePathUsesTrailingSlash=false in the context.xml but, I have not tried this yet.

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