I currently have two methods to which I call simultaneously (via HTTP in Java)
For some reason, there is an instance in which getAcc() returns the same account info twice? I don't quite understand why this is.
I think its possible that the second call to get_account is happening before toggleUse() is called (and therefore the IN_USE variable is not set to 1 yet). Does anyone know how to fix this? I've done some reading on the web and I believe the term is Serialization. I've seen this mostly in terms of databases, but have seen almost no references on how to "lock" the method. I could create a lock and do "with lock:" but Ive heard that's not the way to go.
@app.route('/getAcc') def get_account(): try: cursor.execute("SELECT USER,PASS FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE TUT_DONE = 0 AND IN_USE = 0 LIMIT 1;") return jsonify(data=cursor.fetchall()) except (AttributeError, MySQLdb.OperationalError): open_db() return get_account() @app.route('/toggleUse', methods=['POST']) def toggle_use(): try: username = request.values['username'] update_stmt = ( "UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET IN_USE = !IN_USE WHERE USER = (%s)" ) data = (username,) cursor.execute(update_stmt,data) db.commit() return 'Account ' + str(username) + ' IN_USE toggled' except (AttributeError, MySQLdb.OperationalError): open_db() return toggle_use()
1 Answers
Answers 1
I would have to test it, but suspect you have an issue with your except opening a db connection and calling itself.
Have you tried to create a connection that give you a pool you can just call?
connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, autocommit=True) #I think you can set autocommit here. @app.route('/getAcc') def get_account(): try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT USER,PASS FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE TUT_DONE = 0 AND IN_USE = 0 LIMIT 1;") return jsonify(data=cursor.fetchall()) except (AttributeError, MySQLdb.OperationalError): # Return a meaningful message
Same thing for the other function.
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