Wednesday, February 1, 2017

httpUploadProgress is not working as expected for Buffer data?

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I am new to node js/express .I am trying to make multiple image uploading app with cloudfront and s3 bucket.And I want to show progress bar for user I am using socket io for that.Photo uploading progress will be in loop.but the problem is when photo uploading starts it is always show 100% completion not from the beginning.Don't think the upload is completed it is not, My file is 20MB .I don't what's happening did i miss Something

this is my code'/posttodb',(req,res) => {     let isLoggedIn = req.cookies['check'];    let token = req.cookies['peace'];     const bucketName = 'awsBucketName';     console.log(isLoggedIn);     if(isLoggedIn == "true"){         if(token){             jwt.verify(token,JWTPASS,(err,decode) => {                  if(err){                     console.log(err)                     res.json({error:true})                 }else{                     console.log('========================>',decode)                     let postOwneranme = decode.user.username;                     let postTags =;                     let photosBlob =;                     let postId =;                     let nepostAwsPhots = [];                     let OwnerPic = decode.user.propic;                     let postOwnerFullName =;                     let isMature =;                     let postThumbUrl =;                     let time = new Date();                      let tagSlug  =;                       function savetodb() {                         console.log('Inserting all into DB');                         r.connect({db:'image'}).then(conn => {                              r.table('posts').insert({postId:postId,username:postOwneranme,tag:postTags,postUrlsAndCaptions:nepostAwsPhots,comments:[],postOwnerPic:OwnerPic,likesCount:0,whoLikedIt:[],views:0,postedTime:time,postOwnerFullName:postOwnerFullName,isMature:isMature,thumNailUrl:postThumbUrl,tagSlug:tagSlug}).run(conn).then(response => {                                 console.log(response)                                  if(response.inserted > 0){                                     console.log('Done Bro')                                     res.json({okva:true,postId:postId,username:postOwneranme})                                 }else{                                     res.json({okva:false})                                 }                             })                         })                        }                     function seemsToHaveNetworkProblem() {                         res.json({okva:false,message:"Seems To Have Network Problem"})                     }                           forEachOf(photosBlob,(value,key,callback) => {                             console.log(;                             let newImageUriWillBe = value.blobData;                             let newImageNamewillBe =;                             let imageType = value.ImageType;                             let caption = value.caption;                             console.log(imageType)                             let buf = new Buffer(newImageUriWillBe.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ""),'base64');                             s3.createBucket({Bucket:bucketName},() => {                                 let params = {Bucket: bucketName, Key: postOwneranme+'/'+newImageNamewillBe, Body: buf,ContentType:imageType,ContentLength:buf.length,ACL:'public-read'};                                 s3.upload(params,(err,data) => {                                     if(err){                                         callback(err);                                     }else{                                         // console.log("Successfully uploaded data to " + bucketName + "/" + id);                                         // console.log(`${bucketName}/${username}/${id}`);                                         let response = {                                             picUrl:`${bucketName}/${postOwneranme}/${newImageNamewillBe}`,                                             cation:caption                                          }                                           nepostAwsPhots.push(response);                                           callback()                                          // console.log(nepostAwsPhots)                                         res.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/plain'});                                         res.end('Ok');                                        }                                 })                                //Problem Comes here                                      .on('httpUploadProgress', function(evt) {                                      let per = Math.round((evt.loaded * 100) /                                     console.log('Progress:',per);                                      Socket.emit('Scoket',{proccesing:per})                                        })                               });                      },(err) => {                         if(err){                             console.log("From Node Loop error",err);                             seemsToHaveNetworkProblem()                         }else {                             savetodb()                         }                     })                   }             })         }else {             res.json({error:true});             console.log('OMG')         }     }else{         res.json({error:true});         console.log('OMG')     }      }); 

2 Answers

Answers 1

first check if you have updated library to the latest version and Try Modifying your code with this one:

.on('httpUploadProgress',function(progress) {     console.log(Math.round(progress.loaded/*100)+ '% done');     }); 

Answers 2

I am not exactly sure what is going on, but i think this one helps with your problem. Although, the variables used in this are from another similar source. Try adopting the method.

ss(socket).emit('strimage', stream, {size: file.size,name: fileName,email: emailid}); //initialize var to 0                     var blobStream = ss.createBlobReadStream(file);                     var size = 0;                     var uploadedSize;                     blobStream.on('data', function(chunk) {                       size += chunk.length; //try giving an upload size                         uploadedSize = Math.floor(size / file.size * 100)                       console.log(uploadedSize + '%');                         if (uploadedSize == 100) {                             console.log("inside uploadedSize");                             socket.emit('uploadcomplete', data);                         }                     });                      blobStream.pipe(stream); 
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