Thursday, February 9, 2017

Python “from xxx.yyy import xxx” error

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I'm working with the PyFacebook package in Python, and I've seen people mention numerous times that you can write an import statement as follows:

from facebook.djangofb import facebook 

However, it does not work. It states that facebook.method_name exists in the facebook module, rather than the djangofb module. I assume I'm importing the facebook.method_name as facebook, not that I'm receiving it from the facebook package itself.

I'm using Python 2.6.

How can I alias facebook.djangofb as facebook?

3 Answers

Answers 1

This is the proper way to alias a module via import:

import facebook.djangofb as facebook 

Answers 2

From the python 3 documentation (it works the same way in python 2.6, but I found the python 3 documentation explained it clearer):

If the module name is followed by as, then the name following as is bound directly to the imported module.

So your statement should look like:

import facebook.djangofb as facebook 

and then facebook.method_name will work.

Also see Can you define aliases for imported modules in Python? for additional aliasing options

Answers 3

from facebook import djangofb as facebook 

If you're looking to import djangofb as facebook, that's how you need to do it.

This way, you can access facebook.djangofb.method_name like facebook.method_name.

That being said, it's more common to give it a non conflicting name, here it would be fb or face. Something that doesn't override the root facebook import.

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