Thursday, February 9, 2017

Webpack Karma + Typescript with ES6

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I am trying to run a karma test for a library written in typescript, but keep getting Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token importeven though babel is imported and configured for es2015. (Unfortunately, karma will only support ES6 starting at v2.5)

What do I need change in the configuration to make things work?


var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config.test');  module.exports = function(config) {     config.set({         basePath: '',         frameworks: ['jasmine'],         files: [             {                 pattern: './config/karma.tests.js',                 watched: false             }         ],         preprocessors: {             './config/karma.tests.js': ['babel', 'webpack', 'sourcemap']         },         plugins: [             'karma-webpack',             'karma-jasmine',             'karma-sourcemap-loader',             'karma-chrome-launcher',             'karma-phantomjs-launcher',             'karma-babel-preprocessor'         ],         babelPreprocessor: {             options: {                 presets: ['es2015']             }         },         webpack: webpackConfig,         webpackMiddleware: {             stats: 'errors-only'         },         webpackServer: {             noInfo: true         },         reporters: ['progress'],         port: 9876,         colors: true,         logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,         autoWatch: false,         browsers: ['PhantomJS'],         singleRun: true     }); }; 


var webpack                         = require('webpack'); var helpers                         = require('./helpers');  var config = {     devtool: 'inline-source-map',     resolve: {         root: helpers.root('src'),         extensions: [ '', '.js', '.ts' ]     },     module: {         loaders: [             {                 test: /\.ts$/,                 loader: 'ts-loader',                 include: helpers.root('src'),                 exclude: helpers.root('node_modules')             }         ]     }, }  module.exports = config; 


{     "compileOnSave": false,     "compilerOptions": {         "declaration": true,         "declarationDir": "declarations",         "module": "commonjs",         "moduleResolution": "node",         "noImplicitAny": true,         "outDir": "dist",         "preserveConstEnums": true,         "removeComments": false,         "sourceMap": true,         "experimentalDecorators": true,         "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,                 "target": "es6",         "typeRoots": [             "node_modules/@types"         ]     },     "exclude": [         "node_modules",         "dist"     ] } 

1 Answers

Answers 1

Hope you I can solve your problem here. I think that webpack config needs loaders to convert the ES6 files, so you need loaders in your webpack.config.test.js file.

var webpack = require('webpack');  var helpers = require('./helpers');    var config = {      devtool: 'inline-source-map',      resolve: {          root: helpers.root('src'),          extensions: [ '', '.js', '.ts' ]      },      module: {          loaders: [              {                  test: /\.ts$/,                  loader: 'ts-loader',                  include: helpers.root('src'),                  exclude: helpers.root('node_modules')              },                  test: /\.js$/,                  exclude: helpers.root('node_modules'),                  loader: 'babel-loader'          ]      },  }    module.exports = config;

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