Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Android: animated custom views

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EDIT: My contributions/Resources

On my end, I found Lottie, that plays Affter Effects animations. Unfortunately, we can't create those animations neither we own the software.

Apart from that, also found this blog where an amazing train animation is explained.


I am aware Android provides transformations such as scale, alpha, rotate, translation etc.


There are 2 examples I would like to look at and compare.

1 - Custom View animations

For example, filling up a glass of water or drawing a path.

2 - Complex View animations

For instance, StackExchange App for Android, login screen animation (couldn't find a video on it, also, didn't check if behaves the same in iOS).


For the first example, I can't think of any other way than playing GIFs, or manually changing images after little time periods.

I do not think this is the case, that's why I would like to ask, (1) do you know how it's done?

Regarding the second example, only one idea came to my mind, and that's setting a Path and moving the View accordingly by passing it somehow after animate(). (2) Is this possible?

Apart from the mentioned above, (3) do you know of other techniques to play animations? (Such as Scene transitions - mentioned in an answer-)

Please share! Thank you.

3 Answers

Answers 1

"Filling up a glass of water" animation is direct canditate of implementing via frame animation, i.e. changing pictures one after the other. Here you can see a nice blog post describing how to implement this kind of animation, which basically is the same as "filling up a glass of water" you mentioned:

enter image description here

The other animation look slightly difficult at first glance.

enter image description here

But after turning on "Show layout bounds" you can see there is no magic there. Basically this is just a translation animation, which translates a view from one position to another. In case of this animation the difficult part is to implement the algorithm of finding translation coordinates. After that animating is just a couple lines of code via scene transition animation.

// assuming at this step all the views are at the initial position at x0, y0 TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(rootLayout); // here set view coordinates to x1, y1 - the final position 

Transitions framework will do the rest for you. It will find the delta and perform animation for you. Here you will find a nice article by Lucas Rocha.

Answers 2

do you know of other techniques to play animations?

In Android you have basically 3 ways to implement animations:

  • Animate the View (Scale, alpha, rotate, etc) by just using view.startAnimation(...)
  • Animate the Drawable (Depending on the Drawable, this could be anything from animated vector drawables to frame animations)
  • Doing custom drawing and animation

Obviously just animating a view by framework methods is easier than creating some drawable animation, and creating some drawable (xml) is easier than doing custom drawing.

You mentioned lottie, which just came out a few days ago. We shall see how well it does, but it looks very promising. Under the hood lottie will parse the json and do some custom drawing using Canvas and Path (3rd bullet point above)
If you can get your hands on After Effects this is probably the "easiest" solution for complex animations (and cross platform!)

People also started sharing animations, you can find them here:

do you know how it's done?

The (1) video looks like they do some custom drawing.

  • Draw and fill a Path for the water, animate the top with some waves while it animates up, and sprinkle with some white spots.
  • Draw a the shape of the glass around it

This will involve creating a custom view and/or drawable and overriding onDraw(Canvas) Path.lineTo as well as some arc, cubic, or quad will do the trick...I'm neither a designer nor a vector specialist :)

I do not think this could easily be achieved by using animated vector drawables, but you might get it done by applying a path morph animation. (Also animated vector drawables are only supported on 21+ if I am not mistaken)

The (2) Video just animates a Path and wiggles a flag. This can be achieved by using AnimatedVectorDrawables (as e.g. this blog shows) and trimming the path beginnings/ends or again by doing custom drawing (and thus also supporting pre lolipop devices) by animating a Path, e.g. using PathMeasure.getSegment() to continuuously animate the path.

The (3) animation, as already pointed out by azizbekians answer is the first mentioned kind, just animating (moving and scaling) views.

Regarding the second example, only one idea came to my mind, and that's setting a Path and moving the View accordingly by passing it somehow after animate(). (2) Is this possible?

Moving views along a path is obviously possible, but then the view would move, and you would still need to find a way to draw the path following it, as explained above.

Answers 3

For Your Custom view , i suggest you identify the Properties that you want to Animate on .

Let's say a ClockView, You After setting paint,stroke and so on in OnDraw()

You might wanna have AsyncMethods/Runnables which updates the Properties continuously in background , resulting in Frame by frame animation , but it isn't Fraame Animation actually , because you are animating only the properties of view (turn left) and not he tentire frame

There are dozens of examples out there, With little googling you can DIY

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