Monday, March 27, 2017

Angular 1.x migration performance issues

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I am upgrading a huge angular 1 project from 1.3.x to 1.6.x because we require some patches in the latest version. After updating it seems that the entire application has slowed dramatically. I have been looking through the migration documentation but is there anything that could be causing major slow downs? Any bad code or gotchas that would cause this? I am having issues just with visual changes such as ng-show and ng-hide being slow and twitchy.

This is the CPU profile before upgrade: CPU profile before

This is the CPU profile after upgrade: CPU profile after

Thank you!


Let me give a little more context. I have a feeling this has to do with the digest cycle. For example, I a navbar where an icon will hide and another will show on hover.

Here is what it looks like in angular 1.3 1.3 cpu

Here is what it looks like in angular 1.6 enter image description here

I am getting a forced reflow performance warning after the update. Also this (recalculate style) is directed from angular-animate s computeCssStyles function (or at least that is the line of code it's directing me towards). I am also not calling any of $animate in my code. Is this just a product of the angular digest method? Also is there anything that I am missing from the migration docs about possible changes to digest?

Code example: showDropdown is changed from false to true on hover and visa versa.

<i> ng-show="! showDropdown" </i><i> ng-show="showDropdown" </i> 

1 Answers

Answers 1

Managing memory is difficult in JavaScript. Here are few best practices to improve the performance in terms of loading pages and freeing memory.

  • Removing Detached Node manually - Work on to remove detached object.

    var myNode = document.getElementById("bodyPanel"); if(myNode !== null){ while (myNode.firstChild) { myNode.removeChild(myNode.firstChild); } }

  • On every page switch, call destroy inside Angularjs controller. Also javaScript object Reference to null

    $scope.$on("$destroy",function() { $ "resize.Viewport" ); });

  • Create Angular js Service to keep important data in memory to avoid fetching from HTML5 storage system.

  • As mentioned in comment, use ng-if instead of ng-show.

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