Saturday, March 18, 2017

Converting mysql table to spark dataset is very slow compared to same from csv file

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I have csv file in Amazon s3 with is 62mb in size (114 000 rows). I am converting it into spark dataset, and taking first 500 rows from it. Code is as follow;

DataFrameReader df = new DataFrameReader(spark).format("csv").option("header", true); Dataset<Row> set=df.load("s3n://"+this.accessId.replace("\"", "")+":"+this.accessToken.replace("\"", "")+"@"+this.bucketName.replace("\"", "")+"/"+this.filePath.replace("\"", "")+"");   set.take(500) 

The whole operation takes 20 to 30 sec.

Now I am trying the same but rather using csv I am using mySQL table with 119 000 rows. MySQL server is in amazon ec2. Code is as follow;

String url ="jdbc:mysql://"+this.hostName+":3306/"+this.dataBaseName+"?user="+this.userName+"&password="+this.password;  SparkSession spark=StartSpark.getSparkSession();  SQLContext sc = spark.sqlContext();  DataFrameReader df = new DataFrameReader(spark).format("csv").option("header", true); Dataset<Row> set = sc             .read()             .option("url", url)             .option("dbtable", this.tableName)             .option("driver","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")             .format("jdbc")             .load(); set.take(500); 

This is taking 5 to 10 minutes. I am running spark inside jvm. Using same configuration in both cases.

I can use partitionColumn,numParttition etc but I don't have any numeric column and one more issue is the schema of the table is unknown to me.

My issue is not how to decrease the required time as I know in ideal case spark will run in cluster but what I can not understand is why this big time difference in the above two case?

2 Answers

Answers 1

This problem has been covered multiple times on StackOverflow:

and in external sources:

so just to reiterate - by default DataFrameReader.jdbc doesn't distribute data or reads. It uses single thread, single exectuor.

To distribute reads:

  • use ranges with lowerBound / upperBound:

    Properties properties; Lower  Dataset<Row> set = sc     .read()     .option("partitionColumn", "foo")     .option("numPartitions", "3")     .option("lowerBound", 0)     .option("upperBound", 30)     .option("url", url)     .option("dbtable", this.tableName)     .option("driver","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")     .format("jdbc")     .load(); 
  • predicates

    Properties properties; Dataset<Row> set = sc     .read()     .jdbc(         url, this.tableName,         {"foo < 10", "foo BETWWEN 10 and 20", "foo > 20"},         properties     ) 

Answers 2

Please follow the steps below a copy of the JDBC connector for mysql. I believe you already have one.


2.create a db-properties.flat file in the below format

jdbcUrl=jdbc:mysql://${jdbcHostname}:${jdbcPort}/${jdbcDatabase} user=<username> password=<password> 

3.create a empty table first where you want to load the data.

invoke spark shell with driver class

spark-shell --driver-class-path  <your path to mysql jar> 

then import all the required package

import{File, FileInputStream} import java.util.Properties import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} 

initiate a hive context or a sql context

val sQLContext = new HiveContext(sc) import sQLContext.implicits._ import sQLContext.sql 

set some of the properties

sQLContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true") sQLContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict") 

Load mysql db properties from file

val dbProperties = new Properties() dbProperties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("your_path_to/db-        properties.flat"))) val jdbcurl = dbProperties.getProperty("jdbcUrl") 

create a query to read the data from your table and pass it to read method of #sqlcontext. this is where you can manage your where clause

val df1 = "(SELECT  * FROM your_table_name) as s1"  

pass the jdbcurl, select query and db properties to read method

val df2 =, df1, dbProperties) 

write it to your table

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