Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cordova Windows 10 - Exception calling native with command - notification

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I am having trouble with my Windows 10 cordova application.

I am trying to use the navigator.notification.confirm but it keeps throwing me this error

Exception calling native with command :: Notification :: confirm ::exception=WinRTError: The parameter is incorrect

I am running this command on another page and it is running fine. I don't know why it is working on one page and not another.

This is the code for my index page - WORKS FINE

navigator.notification.confirm(     'This will download new data, do you want to confirm?',     'callback',     'Are you sure?',     ['Refresh', 'Cancel'] ) 

However, the code below doesn't work at all and I don't know why at all

navigator.notification.confirm(     'Please select an option',     ImageCaptureInput.currentInstance.onConfirm2,     'Photo / video',     ['Photo','Cancel','Video']      ); 

I have this working on WP8, Android and iOS and it works fine. Windows 10 throws this unknown error. Having a Google around and a quick look on here didn't help at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I get these errors in the debug console in Visual Studio. It seems the error is only with the confirm function of the navigator.notification plugin.

0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: InvalidAccessError Exception was thrown at line 221, column 13 in ms-appx-web://cordova.platform.windowsUWP/www/plugins/cordova-plugin-dialogs/src/windows/NotificationProxy.js 0x80070057 - JavaScript runtime error: The parameter is incorrect. Exception was thrown at line 240, column 13 in ms-appx-web://cordova.platform.windowsUWP/www/plugins/cordova-plugin-dialogs/src/windows/NotificationProxy.js 


The error seems to be occurring when it gets to the showAsync() part of the function, shown below

confirm:function(win, loseX, args) {      if (isAlertShowing) {         var later = function () {             module.exports.confirm(win, loseX, args);         };         alertStack.push(later);         return;     }      isAlertShowing = true;      try {         var message = args[0];         var _title = args[1];         var buttons = args[2];          var md = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(message, _title);          buttons.forEach(function(buttonLabel) {             md.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand(buttonLabel));         });          md.showAsync().then(function(res) {             isAlertShowing = false;             var result = res ? buttons.indexOf(res.label) + 1 : 0;             if (win) {                 win(result);             }             if (alertStack.length) {                 setTimeout(alertStack.shift(), 0);             }          });     } catch (e) {         // set isAlertShowing flag back to false in case of exception         isAlertShowing = false;         if (alertStack.length) {             setTimeout(alertStack.shift(), 0);         }         // rethrow exception         throw e;     } }, 

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