Saturday, March 4, 2017

Deploying ASP.Net Web Forms project to Fedora 24

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Here is my current setup:

  • My Local Computer: This is where I created and programmed my ASP.Net WebForms project with Cloudflare Flexible SSL enabled using visual studio 2015 professional on Windows 10. I also have the team explorer enabled meaning my project is synced to Github and all of my files are also stored there in my own repository.
  • My Server Computer: Running Fedora 24, I've installed the dotnet CLI (a.k.a .Net Core), apache (httpd), and Mono for ASP.Net and want to deploy/publish and host my webforms project on this computer in the default web directory (/var/www/html/mysite/)

The problem is, the dotnet cli relies on a project.json and is not compatible with WebForms. .Net Core is basically not an option. When I use mod_mono, the connection times out (Error 522) if I connect externally, or an Error 500 (see below) if I connect to https://localhost:9000/ while running the server using the command xsp4 --port 9000. I can't use xsp4 --port 80 or xsp4 --port 443 because then it claims Address is already in use even though httpd is the only process listening on those ports. Note that I can sucessfully build the project using the xbuild command.

How can I take my project from github or my local computer and deploy it on to my server computer? Am I missing something? Here is my virtual hosts configuration for reference: httpd.conf. I deleted my httpd.conf and now use this instead with nginx, which I got straight from here. I get no errors when starting httpd.service. Now my main concern is the site giving an Error 500 when connecting. See the edit below.


I stopped using apache because it had so many problems and wouldn't even start half the time. I'm now using nginx with fastcgi-mono-server4 and it's working much better. Now there are no more time outs and it is connecting properly from what it seems, but now most of the time I get this Error 500:error other times I can get other types of Error 500. If there is a solution that works with apache but not with nginx, please let me know as it could still be of use to me.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Your code is Full NET and not even NET Core and trying to deploy it to Mono Framework. This may not work, Convert your project into Mono or NET Core and retry.

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