Thursday, March 9, 2017

Environment independent builds using the Vue webpack template

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I use a build server to build my vue projects, using the npm run build command nicely supplied by the Vue 2 template. The vue template also provides the ability to access environment-specific data that can be configured in files underneath the config directory. Things like prod.env.js, etc. You then access this data through process.env.API_PREFIX as seen in the template manual.

I want to be able to build the code once, then deploy the same build (as defined by the output in dist) to multiple servers, but have the different servers use different configuration (different API_PREFIX etc). Currently, the process.env references are expanded at build time by the Webpack compiler. Therefore I have to rebuild for every environment.

I can think of a few ways to do this -- obviously the loading of the config has to happen at runtime, and given that it runs in the browser and has to refer to some file, it would have to be through an AJAX request for some static JSON configuration served by the web server separately, or similar. But I'd be interested to know how anyone here would handle this requirement.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Without knowing your specific architecture is hard to give specific advice. Instead I will leave a few general ideas.

In order to do what you want in a sane way, you probably would have to derive the prefix from the domain in which you are serving the frontend.

There are a few things you can use for that, besides using window.location at runtime:

Even if it doesn't solve your specific case, hope it gives you an idea of what available.

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