I wrote the following schema in my Node.js server:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var config = require('../../config.js'); var schema = new Schema({ title : { type: String, default: "generic"}, guide : String, loc : { type : {type: String, default:"Point"}, coordinates : [ ] }, } ); schema.index({"loc":"2dsphere"}); module.exports = mongoose.model(config.DATA_TYPE.SUPPORT, schema);
Then I wrote my dispatcher for adding, removing and research. Adding and removing are ok but I have some problem with research.
This is my route:
router.route('/') .post(function(req, res, next){ SupportManager.getGuides(req.body.lat, req.body.lon, function(err,data){ if(err){ return res.json({ success: false, message: 756 }); }else{ return res.json({ success: true, message: 856, supports: data }); } }); })
where my SupportManager.getGuides
is the following code:
getGuides: function(lat,lon,callback){ Support.find({ loc: { $geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [[ lon , lat], 10/3963.2]}}}, callback); },
The strange behaviour is that I added the following object in my db:
{ "_id": "58bf2f07d5fd2a0cdde4cca9", "guide": "a1", "loc": { "coordinates": [ "34", "22" ], "type": "Point" }, "title": "tappp", "__v": 0 }
But when I do the research, using lat=22 and long=34, I receive the answer with
success: true, message: 856, supports: []
The array "supports" is empty.
1 Answers
Answers 1
The code is perfect! Just the coordinates value are not saved as Number. So the Schema should become:
var schema = new Schema({ title : { type: String, default: "generic"}, guide : String, loc : { type : {type: String, default:"Point"}, coordinates : [ { Number } ] }, } );
And the coordinates data in DB will be now
"loc": { "coordinates": [ 34, 22 ], "type": "Point" },
while before the values were between the " " :
"loc": { "coordinates": [ "34", "22" ], "type": "Point" },
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