Thursday, March 16, 2017

PHP V8Js render react written in typescript

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I've been writing react components with typescript, following the instructions in official typescript docs:

I am using V8Js php extension to render React on server side, but it seems I lack the understanding of what is the correct way using V8Js.

this is my react application: (client-side rendered)

I tried to render on side-server:

<?php  $v8 = new V8Js();  $react = [];  // stubs, react $react[] = "var console = {warn: function(){}, error: print}"; $react[] = "var global = {}"; $react[] = file_get_contents('./dist/react.js'); $react[] = "var React = global.React";  $react[] = file_get_contents('./dist/bundle.js'); $data = [   'value' => 1,   'onClick' => 'function' ]; $react[] = sprintf(   "React.renderComponentToString(Square({data: %s}), print)",   json_encode($data)); $react = implode(";", $react);  try {   $v8->executeString($react); } catch(V8JsException $e) {   echo "     File: {$e->getJsFileName()} \n     Line Number: {$e->getJsLineNumber()} \n     Source Line: {$e->getJsSourceLine()} \n     Trace: {$e->getJsTrace()}   "; } 

'react.js' includes raw react & react-dom code, 'bundle.js' includes webpack bundle, same as the one from the pen above.

I get this error:

File: V8Js::compileString()   Line Number: 209   Source Line: module.exports = ReactDOM;   Trace: ReferenceError: ReactDOM is not defined at Object.setPrototypeOf.__proto__ (V8Js::compileString():209:18) at __webpack_require__ (V8Js::compileString():47:30) at Object.<anonymous> (V8Js::compileString():300:16) at __webpack_require__ (V8Js::compileString():47:30) at module.exports (V8Js::compileString():93:18) at V8Js::compileString():96:10 

any suggestions / hints how I can do this properly?

1 Answers

Answers 1

Looks like you need to add

$react[] = "var React = global.React, ReactDOM = global.ReactDOM, ReactDOMServer = global.ReactDOMServer;"; 

instead of

$react[] = "var React = global.React"; 

(I haven't tested it; just based on this. I don't have much experience with V8JS either. I recommend reading this for a nice introduction.)

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