Friday, March 24, 2017

Reproducibility not given after setting np.random.seed(42)

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It turned out that the randomness was caused by another source and was not Kera's fault but mine. Unfortunately I cannot delete the question because it has an open bounty.

I've started with a simple example where I convolute a simple image. If I am using np.random.seed(42) the image will always be convoluted exactly the same. If not, the convolution result will look different after each run as expected:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  from keras.engine import Input from keras.engine import Model from keras.engine import merge from keras.layers import Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, Activation   def invert_input(x):     return -x   class MaxPoolTests:      def __init__(self, ctx_window_sizes, in_nb_row, in_nb_col):          in_x = Input(shape=(in_nb_row, in_nb_col, 1), name='in_x')         convolutions = list()          for window_size in ctx_window_sizes:              in_x_invert = Activation(invert_input)(in_x)              left = Convolution2D(nb_filter=1, nb_row=window_size, nb_col=in_nb_col,                                  border_mode='same',                                  activation='relu',                                  name='l_conv_{:d}'.format(window_size))(in_x)              right = Convolution2D(nb_filter=1, nb_row=window_size, nb_col=in_nb_col,                                   border_mode='same',                                   activation='relu',                                   name='r_conv_{:d}'.format(window_size))(in_x_invert)              l_max_pool = MaxPooling2D(name='l_maxpool_{:d}'.format(window_size),                                       # pool_size=(2, nb_col),                                       border_mode='valid')(left)              r_max_pool = MaxPooling2D(name='r_maxpool_{:d}'.format(window_size),                                       # pool_size=(2, nb_col),                                       border_mode='valid')(right)              r_max_pool = Activation(invert_input)(r_max_pool)              merged = merge([l_max_pool, r_max_pool], name='merge_{:d}'.format(window_size), mode='sum')              convolutions.append(merged)          self.model = Model(input=[in_x], output=convolutions)   if __name__ == '__main__':      np.random.seed(42)      m = 10; n = 10      nn = MaxPoolTests([2, 3], in_nb_row=m, in_nb_col=n)     nn.model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')      x = np.zeros((1, m, n, 1))      for i,v in enumerate(np.linspace(-1, 1, m)):         x[0, i, i, 0] = v      y = nn.model.predict(x)      plt.figure()     plt.imshow((y[0][0, :, :, 0]))      print('All done.') 

However, if I do the same for a convolutional neural network that I am using for NLP, the results are not reproducible anymore. If I look at the error / loss what I see is that these values develop completely different on each run except when I am using the debugger!

Using the debugger I will see the same loss number on each session but not if I run the script normally.

I am not sure why this is the case. My only guess would be multi-threading so I added a print(text) to the sample generator. At least from there it looks like all the samples are getting produced in the same order so - again I don't know what causes this issue.

Any idea how I can make my results reproducible?

1 Answers

Answers 1

If you do something like print(np.random.randint(0,1000000000)) in several places in your algorithm then the generated console output should always look the same, right?

Maybe that can help you finding out where the debugger session differs from the normal run.

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