I am currently learning to do testing in general and I am not sure how one tests an express middleware that authenticates a jsonwebtoken. An express middleware is basically a function so in theory it should be unit testable. Could someone show me how one would do so? Here is my middleware so far. I am currently using mocha and chai as my testing framework.
import jwt from "jsonwebtoken"; import secret from "../jwtSecret" function authenticateJwt(req, res, next){ let token; let authorizationHeaders = req.headers["authorization"]; if(authorizationHeaders){ token = authorizationHeaders.split(" ")[1]; } if(token) { jwt.verify(token, secret, (err, decodedToken) => { if(err){ res.status(403).json({ success: false, error: "Invalid token provided" }); } else { next(); } }); } else { res.status(403).json({ success: false, error: "No token provided" }); } } export default authenticateJwt;
1 Answers
Answers 1
Well, by testing the input and output you could test a function. In this case, req/res/next is the input. But instead of return
, res.status(403).json()
and next()
comes as the result of your middleware(or output).
So by mocking req/res/next, you will be at full control of the input and output. As follow.
describe('middleware/auth', ()=> { let mockReq = { headers:{} // your JWT here } let mockRes = { status = function(code){return 'status${code}'} } let nextCalled = false; let next = function(){nextCalled = true} it('should pass on right jwt',()=>{ mockReq.headers['JWT'] = 'right jwt' authenticateJwt(mockReq, mockRes, next) expect(nextCalled).to.be.true; }) })
But using additional variables like nextCalled is not the best choice. Sinon or other spies might be better.
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