Friday, April 7, 2017

How to keep two databases with different schemas up-to-date

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Our company has really old legacy system with such a bad database design (no foreign keys, columns with serialized PHP arrays, etc. :(). We decided to rewrite a system from a scratch with new database schema.

We want to rewrite a system by parts. So we will split old monolithic application to many smaller ones.

Problem is: we want to have live data in two databases. Old and New schema. I'd like to ask you if anyone of you knows best practices how to do this.

What we think of:

  1. asynchronous data synchronization with message queue
  2. make a REST API in new system and make legacy application to use it instead of db calls
  3. some kind of table replication

Thank you very much

2 Answers

Answers 1

I had to deal with a similar problem in the past. There was a system which didn't have support but there was people using it because, It had some features (security holes) which allowed them certain functionalities. However, they also needed new functionalities.

I selected the tables which involved the new system and I created some triggers for cross update the tables, so when I created a register on the old system the trigger created a copy in the new system and reversal. If you design this system properly you would have both systems working at the same time in real time.

The drawback is that while the both system are running the system is going to become slower since you have to maintain the integrity of two databases in every operation.

Answers 2

I would start by adding a database layer to accept API calls from the business layer, then write to both the old schema and the new. This adds complexity up front, but it lets you guarantee that the data stays in sync.

This would require changing the legacy system to call an API instead of issuing SQL statements. If they did not have the foresight to do that originally, you may not be able to take my approach. But, you should do it going forward.

Triggers may or may not work out. In older versions of MySQL, there can be only one trigger of a given type on a given table. This forces you to lump unrelated things into a single trigger.

Replication can solve some changes -- Engine, datatypes, etc. But it cannot help with splitting one table into two. Be careful of the replication of Triggers and where the Trigger has effect (between Master and Slave). In general, a stored routine should be performed on the Master, letting the effect be replicated to the slave. But it may be worth considering how to have the trigger run in the Slave instead. Or different triggers in the two servers.

Another thought is to do the transformation in stages. By careful planning of schema changes versus application of triggers versus code changes versus database layer, you can do partial transformations one at a time, sometimes without having a big outage to update everything simultaneously (with your fingers crossed). A simple example: (1) change code to dynamically handle either new or old schema, (2) change the schema, (3) clean up the code (remove handling of old schema).

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