I have a Rmarkdown file (info.rmd
) that looks like this:
--- title: "Information" theme: yeti date: "4/1/2017" output: html_document --- ## R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com>. ```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} library(knitr) kable(mtcars[1:5, ], caption = "A knitr kable.") ``` ## Formulation Here is where we formulate $$\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
And the ShinyApp that calls Rmarkdown like this:
contains this
output$markdown <- renderUI({ HTML(markdown::markdownToHTML(knit('info.rmd', quiet = TRUE), fragment.only=TRUE)) })
contains this:
But how come the table and math generated looks like this?
What's the right way to do it?
When run independently outside Shiny the info.rmd
produces the table properly:
I tried this in ui.R
Which shows the file html correctly, but prevent the plotting and reactivity in other tabPanel()
to work.
Here is the new result after @Nice solution:
2 Answers
Answers 1
If you use fragment.only
, the CSS and JS is not included and the table/equation is not styled.
One easy way to do this is to include the full HTML, with the header, in an iframe so it does not interfere with the rest of your app.
output$markdown <- renderUI({ tags$iframe(src='info.html',width="100%",frameBorder="0",height="1000px") })
The info.html
file needs to be in the www
folder of your app. You can adjust the width and height of the iframe by changing the parameters in the tags$iframe
You can change the width of the main container in the iframe using CSS. If you add this to your info.rmd file:
```{r results="asis",echo = FALSE} cat(" <style> .main-container.container-fluid { max-width: 100%; padding-left:0px; } </style> ") ```
Answers 2
Editing the shiny server part with the following should help:
output$markdown <- renderUI({ markdown::markdownToHTML(knit('info.rmd', quiet = TRUE), fragment.only=TRUE) withMathJax(includeHTML("info.html")) })
Alternatively you can also do the following:
output$markdown <- renderUI({ markdown::markdownToHTML(knit('info.rmd', quiet = TRUE), fragment.only=TRUE) withMathJax(includeMarkdown("info.md")) })
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