I'm trying to allow the user to select their preferred player type/design.
In my gameScene I simply have 1 SKSpriteNode with a texture however I'd like the user to have the option to select between 3 different players.
The only way I can think of doing this is to have the 3 player options all linked to their own gameScene.. And when the user selects the preferred player it will transition to the related gameScene?
The 3 gameScenes would be identical, only that the texture for the player SpriteNode would be different.
This doesn't seem very efficient at all. But I'm a novice and just trying to use knowledge I've gathered so far.
Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
1 Answers
Answers 1
Although I'm not entirely sure how to interpret your question, here goes!
I would recommend creating a bit of logic to allow you to insert the avatar in the selection scene, as well as your game scene.
extension SKSpriteNode { enum AvatarType { case blueMan case purpleWizard case greyDinosaur } class func avatar(withType type: AvatarType) -> SKSpriteNode { let spriteName: String switch type { case .blueMan: spriteName = "blueManSprite" // case .purpleWizard // ... default: spriteName = "someSprite" } return SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: spriteName) } }
In your SKScene
subclasses (or anywhere of course ;) ), you can create avatars like so:
class ChooseAvatarScene : SKScene { let avatarBlueMan = SKSpriteNode.avatar(withType: .blueMan) // let avatarWizard = ... // let avatarDinosaur = ... func setup() { avatarBlueMan.position = CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50) // avatarWizard.position = ... // avatarDinosaur.position = ... addChild(avatarBlueMan) addChild(avatarWizard) addChild(avatarDinosaur) } override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { // check if any of the touches hit an avatar sprite } }
Of course, the sprite nodes need to be put in the right position. After that, you need to implement touch handling so register when the user touches a node.
The benefit of this approach is that the Avatar nodes are reusable across different scenes - so if you would want to change the sprite for the wizard, there's only one place you have to change it. Note that the SKSpriteNode extension in the example is very simple - if you want anything more than a single sprite I would recommend subclassing SKSpriteNode instead.
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